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for once stayed home all day on a weekend
did nothing but watch drama

and some drama actually happened
which is i tot i lost my keys
how stupid (:

anyways this is gonna be wordy..

finished buzzerbeat!!
like amazingly
the storyline was kinda..childish
simple yet seeming realistic
like this two persons chasing after their dream
and as expected they both got it

a buzzerbeat is a situation whereby the player shoots the ball
at the same time when the buzzer that ends the game sounds
and the ball got into the hoop, scoring

this drama is called buzzerbeat coz of this guy called naoki
who started his basketball life due to a buzzerbeat
oh wells it sort of ended with a buzzerbeat as well
apart from that... its like no link
jus like many other dramas anyway..

yah.. i think its more about his life
him losing his confidence after becoming a pro
how he met riko and they both falling in love with each other without knowing
doing lots of reckless and irrational stuff
the encouragement they gave each other
allowing both to reach their dream
and ending up together
yes succeeding in both rs and career
how cool..

i used to hate the way a drama series would pull me away from reality
then violent slap me awake leaving me all depressed
haha yes sound stupid but its true
i used to spend up to a day to recover =p
yet this drama didnt
i jus tot it seems so..real?
nah its not close to my heart coz i don have a dream in the first place
i wish i did but im not that wild in my imagination and
neither do i have that kind of a determination
knowing that my passion last for 3min

back to reality
i wonder wat i'll be doing on monday (:

oh yea i chat with moni jus now
shes kinda like stuck in the middle
donno to go KL for SJ concert anot
anyway i sort of compared the relationship between friends
of that in the drama
and of my own..
can u tell that im jus a little disappointed? will u ever know? not u moni (:
oh yea
im excited about sentosa tmr!
okay today actually
i donno how it will turn out but i look forward to this reunion
without erika ):
theres always a time when one wans to be left alone right?
happen to be looking through my archives..
apparently i have no post at all in april 2009
and totally got reminded of how horrible was that month
theres too many things on my mind
and im really really craving for this one right now

12:52 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


this is dedicated to jasmine and my only jasmine (:
or can be said to be meant as a conversation to her =p

the dress!

and my planned outfit that im not very sure if its okay? =x
the top can shorten abit one but coz put on bed i shorten until very ugly until i gave up ):
suggestions suggestions pls (:

and this is wat i wanna show u
look at the shoes (:

yepps me gonna get my beauty sleep enjoy the night
and goodnights xD

10:34 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*

is kinda irritated
not jus kinda but apparently very

number 1
i cant even believe myself in thinking that way
its jus plain stupid and childish
okay watever

number 2
i seriously see no point in life
but no worries
i'll play my heart out with all my frens before the day i really collapse xD

9:03 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


omg its 2010
jus feel simply.. weird

spent the last day of 2009 working and out with jw bryan soap
heh sorry i tot this outing is kinda weird
but they seem fine with it
oh wells thanks alot to all of u (:

seriously lazy to blog but scared i'll forget
need to thank all those who came into my life
thank jw bryan adel and rj for 'accompanying' me during my train ride home
okay im seriously too lazy
okays nvm
really hope i'll stop being so lazy
but if thats the case
i'll be out almost every single day
i might like that though

spent the day stoning at home
packed my closet
found old new clothes
watched hyd
princess and the frog

this post isnt making much sense
sorry but photos shld come
and u know wats my soon (:

not gonna have a new year resolution
jus one statement
stop being so insensitive and please put in more effort

no idea why things can turn out this way
and i do realise my stupid brain cant really do much

6:39 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


massive amt of photos alert!
though i don think they are even half of wat we have taken so far xD
jus randomly kope photos
from fb jas and jo blog

ps. blogger is rotating my photos by themselves so i cant do anything abt it sorry

haha yes im sorry the photos i promised arent here and in fb yet
but oh wells i can blog about everything else (:

apparently i have been busy working on weekdays
and playing on weekends
but today shall be a free day
im gonna pack my whole room
sweep and mop the floor
finish all laundry
wash all towels
before mummy and jie reach home (:
so guai right
oh before that i think im going library to borrow the books!
need to pick my momentum first so i shall jus start with 1 a week
hahah =p

heres something i did for my work
for their 31 dec ny celebration
apparently i don like it
yet everyone says its nice
oh wells who cares
im not even participating in the celebration xD

okays i cheated
i forgot some dates coz i nvr write down
koped from jas blog donno correct anot
nvm la huh =p


no jas u arent the only one who likes this
went to eat pizzahut at marina with the girls before yc fly off to tw!

went jb with jas!

first overseas trip with fren!
though jus jb
but its a dangerous place according to many many mums okay
don play play
haha but as u can see we both came back in once piece (:
though both like nvr really buy much =p

prom + clubbing!!

first off went jas house to bath and stuff
and settled our makeup and hair at highest!
first time makeup hor!
a very good experience already
coz i think the makeup artist quite pro
her name is bee (:
simple makeup for mine but i like!
and first time curling my hair
i was quite reluctant when the person wanted to curl
but gave in in the end
and turned out not bad!!
don mind spending 70 bucks for this (:

uh i cant exactly remember much about the dinner
coz half the time we were running around taking photos
so i shall jus spam la huh
though i jus anyhow take some to put here
next time then i upload more? =p

jas! isnt she hot? xD

jo! jus why are u so tall

jw! aye ur scaft cover ur whole dress le la!

shurlene! im so sorry i almost forgot ur name i shld jus kill myself =x

ming! i think her dress quite nice xD

27 girls and guys! (:

next up clubbing at butter fac!
i jus need to tell the whole world i saw lin jun jie and lan bo lao shi
but didnt get to take photo =/

haha uhh can say made new frens i guess!

the girls (:

like this photo skin colour very nice hahah!

uh interesting photo
try to spot me?

haha it was fun!

u can say that we are quite siao
to sleep till noon and go sentosa the day after prom haha
was an advance celebration for wangwang bday!

happy birthday wangwang!
love u lots =p

she enjoyed the ice (:

guess who took the photo
nice eh? =p

see the main lead trying to chu feng tou!

acjc guitar concert!
aj guitar perform the first few songs
with another sch as well
oh before that jw jj vic came to play mahjong
rj joined at the last 2 game? hahha

haha this is like few of the ppl only
others chiong out cant wait to go home
stupid =/

i like!

outing with tyy moni sq!
watched new moon like finally
but sadly didnt like it
but i like jac! hahaha
hes hotter with short hair xD

xmas tree at taka
sry i didnt really like this photo
waiting for the day when everyone comes back from hol
then we shall have another outing!
this time take more nice nice photos!

looking forward to mon!
yy first day at work!
i pray her supervisor wont throw her to irene
if she ever did
i pray irene wont scold her AT ALL
seeing that shes new plus is my fren
PLUS irene having the intention to ask me to work under her permanent xD

and at 10 or 11 jw sent her cookies and donuts over!
since the cookies are way way way cuter i shall jus upload the cookies xD
looks good but taste good too okay don see small her =p

last but not least
grats to jie who graduated!!

12:26 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


i'll post the photos
after i get them from jas and jo

10:12 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


hahaha im amazed at how boliao people can get xD

damn happy but damn sad
have i ever said that i sort of thought of my whole outfit for dnd already
that dull gold dress and that shoes my sis bought quite some time ago
apparently i actually found the shop that sells that dress
but its out of stock
like left with an L black one
when the S of another dress is actually big for me already
even giordano provide free altering services
why this kind of shop don have

then i was telling my mom
shld i wait first
coz i going out with my fren then maybe can go see some more before buying
yep me and jas went vivo first
actually nth much to walk
end up go fareast
and shes there for the 3rd time of the week ahhha
and i saw that dress i wanted
but same its black
didnt even bother asking if theres S
or i'll might jus be traumatized.. ):

NVM! i shall jus be happy with the white one i bought
jus pray that mummy will make it short for me
if possible
sorry la who ask me so short
the longer the dress the even shorter i'll look

and jas bought her dress
surprise surprise (:

quite undecisive about the makeup and hair styling
70 bucks for a quite reliable one
or free makeup and hunt somemore for hairstyling?
someone sponsor me can anot =p

walk until wan die
overslept today again
slacked for half the day
MAYBE i'll go back to work now

3:39 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


irritating jus stop wasting my time

cant believe i really treat it as if As are done
but as usual
it feels lost coz i donno wat am i supposed to do now?
even so..i feel as if theres still lots of time
yet i feel that im short of it
and am trying to multitask now
i have no idea why
its jus

i shut my ears from too many things
i blind myself from insightful stuff
i mute myself in order to not doing anything stupid
will u call that see no evil hear no evil speak no evil?
or simply call me an ostrich?

i wonder when it will fall apart

book my days if u can!
or i'll run out of free ones soon =p

2:26 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


relation between me and discipline?

none at all

9:49 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


wahhh econs was DEAD
physics was EVEN MORE DEAD

wat else can i say
it was pure luck i could do like more than half the paper
seems like p3 is gonna be worse
quantum plus semiconductors combo

hahha jas drew this when she came my house!

yep and she shared the calories with me (:
and i made the paper clip into a heart!

and jingwen gave this to me!
and it says jy for phy
hahha maybe thanks to this i had some luck for physics eh? xD

jasmine ong fell sick
how interesting she had the whole room to herself
pls the invigilator who fell asleep
get well soon! still got econs then can rest le!

the way she tries to chew her tongue is kinda funny
haha! xD

failed attempt of mine
in trying to take the photo of her chewing her tongue
anyway shes cute la
flip over by herself
try to crawl but cmi
end up crying =x

7:41 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


one word. dead.
screwed up chem like totally
donno wats wrong with me today
please please just 3 more days to the end of the week
i don wan this to go on. no way!
if all else fail pls let my brain retain all info but reset the attitude..

econs ah econs..

went to see the new car..quite stylish and spacious inside
haha hopefully it lasts for long..
but why silver!
Isn't black way nicer?

1:10 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


one should really thick twice before they do anything
she acts as if she is superior as compared to others
when she is not even near our level of intelligence
yes i would say our achievements aren't worth mentioning but how about yours? does it even exist?
oh please, im not that superficial to take only academic capabilities into consideration
but sadly we are neither blind nor deaf
from your choice of words and behavior
you can be read as easily as a book
and i call that mere arrogance
you have never even seen how the world really looks like
yes neither have i but do you want to compare?
so stop showing us how brainless you can be
when we have already acknowledge your stupidity when dinosaurs came to earth
what harm is there in heeding the advices from one
who is obviously way more experienced than yourself
seriously just how self-centered can you get?
i have no idea how you managed to get such confidence
or maybe im not exactly interested to know
but if you wont change yourself from inside, nothing else will be able to
and im looking forward to the day when you fall
fall hard and bleed all you can
i wont bother i wont care

oh no how forgetful of me!
its your life not mine.

pray hard that s- comes to you one day

figure that im stupid enough as well to waste my time on you
oh wells time to mug

12:43 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


jas came to stayover!
lucky get to eat steamboat
coz my mom lazy cook =p

clear right? its the webcam haha
actually i was complaining very blur
but okay la

ice pop!
my hair is short!

oh i found out that yeechern's face towel is still by my window Oo
paiseh ah i think i nvr open the curtain since that day they came over
thank jas for coming so i touched the curtain? =x

anyways no idea why i damn unproductive ytd
or today as well
jas say shes unproductive coz she reading econs
but for me last time econs i quite productive one leh...
pls pls pls i don wan to lose my momentum at this point of time
pls pls pls let me finish reading all that i plan to read for econs
and finish doing all of physics tys
pls pls pls!

home alone

i am so oblivious to my surroundings that i think i suck

6:55 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


wahahhhaha im talking on the phone with yeechern
jus read jasmine blog
for the sake of ribena ice sia..
and study!!
but i was thinking of sleeping after the paper
see first la huh

11:22 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*



987 read out me and jas dedication
but nvr play the song

gor jus cooked maggie and im hungry

12:24 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


i am going to own equilibria and reaction kinetics
for the sake of the stuff jas photocopied for me

and im am going to stop panicking
i know i can

stupid ivan hoh cheat my feeling one
say buy peanut for me end up don have! ):
now he owes me beijing roasted duck (:

6:03 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


and thats why i cant be left alone
i start thinking of all sorts of nonsense
and in the end obviously nothing good came out at all
i panicked like siao seriously
how on earth can i finish studying?
i don even feel confident on any single subject
i don even feel ready for As
yes i have been studying like before prelims
revising and revising
doing papers
but why do the notes still seem so foreign to me
okay i jus finished inorganic chem so they are currently my frens
except for the transition colours
no i don like them
but omg i don even think i can do well for maths
the love of my life!
no i don feel confident no i don wanna take the paper!! ):

10:02 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


feels so weird i donno wat to do

at 1452
im still on the comp doing nothing and die die don wan off the comp
新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 is damn nice!
but the mv is retarded so no point putting
im suddenly in love with some old old ancient songs
i like the way they use the words and fit them together
something i can never do
and seldom modern songs have shown it
apart from i think 青花瓷..?
though i don really understand the lyrics
but i like it hhaha
kinda stupid la
nono sorry i have to say
but not jus an E

11:35 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


is funny one!!
uh jo came to my house since morning to study
all the way till evening when the other two come..
they super lucky
after eating dinner we go my room
joerh on the lights
is lucky like wah
live here so long nvr spoil they come it spoil =p
haha and some stuff happened
and she drew me a little miss last night
which is actually abt the same size as theirs!
amazing leh
so cute i think going to use as poster..
and the bunch of us slept for average 2 hr last night
can tell jo didnt la huh
all overslept
and i admit i offed jasmine's damn irritating but quite useful alarm at 7.30
which was the 'latest' time we were supposed to get up
end up wake up at 8
go sch for consultation
go home at 11+
i reached home at like 1+ then bath
call jas then call yeechern
she say she know how to do the phy qn liao
credits to monkey and his fren i think
and i tot jus ans the qn then she will hang up
but hahha we both chat and chat all the way for almost 3hr?
is totally talk abt anything under the sky
from anime to manga to a lvl
and the post a lvl stuff
its so random but funny
hahha okay la i jus came to blog abt this one
i going sleep liao byebye!

4:19 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*


every single time i look back
i never fail to say 'childish'
so will i one day see this post again and say that its childish?
i think i will (:

how can anyone not be amused that i am studying physics
yeah i know its like a week before As then i actually START physics
but its better late than never right?
i jus don wanna see any S or U
in jus 2 years how many times have they appeared?
too many to count sorry

oh wells but putting it into action is yet another matter

to prove that im studying
let me give u some definitions (:
Electric potential is defined as the work done in bringing a small unit positive charge from infinity to that point. must be small unit and positive!
Electric potential energy of an electric charge q placed in a point in the electric field of a fixed position charge Q is the amount of work required in bringing the charge q to that point.
Potential difference between two points in a circuit is the amount of electrical energy converted to other forms of energy when unit charge passes from one point to another.
Coulomb is defined as the amount of electric charge that in a second passes a section of a circuit which has a constant current of one ampere.

yes don remind me that these are definitions we ought to have known since like last year or something
jus a reminder to myself about how bad my memory is
to spend a whole day jus memorizing the few definitions?
wow my efficiency rate is at tip top condition huh


2:25 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*