so sorry to my blog for neglecting it since i donno when..
since it has been rotting i shall jus post some random stuff (:

guitar is officially over
and amazingly i miss it like crazy already
sort of felt sad that i wont get the chance to bring my guitar to sch
though i always complained having to carry it here and there but
i love the guitarist, all of them
i love the little bits and pieces of fun we have here and there
yes syf was horrendous but we still had the smiles (:
me and mingshan managed to count the number of guitar pieces we learn
through our 1 yr ++
came out with say about 20? =p
oh wells at least im proud to say
i can play marriage d'amor solo piece (credits to louis and jiajin maybe)
and mingshan can say that she can play her chuan shuo
hope i nvr get the title wrong =p
but i like her playing on the piano too! (:

and the rest of section 2.. now i'll say i don regret coming to section 2..
section 2 has very nice ppl xD
pinglynn (half section2) mingshan kiawoon yinshuen
lifeng jinghui chrystal shuqiao
shiling weiling daphne xinyi xD
and i get to know our beloved sl yinshuen~
a very nice sl who specially came early during one practice
to help me and shuqiao
yes i do remember (:
ah sorry i should stop or i wont end

but wait.. NIIBORI GUITAR~ xD
never a regret to have joined
neither a regret that i tried to drag mingshan in xD
afterall its fun! though we always go kinda off beat but who cares!
the final performance last friday wasnt bad eh?
love you guys loads! xD
right right i am really stopping or i'll jus go on and on..
yea and recently something happened
i really donno how things ended up this way
neither would i have even imagined
no im not saying its bad or wat
its jus.. unexpected?
i don even know if i
shld be thinking about it