[taggies] the point of the post is to show that im not MIA-ing (:
shall talk about the sentosa trip next time
trying to recall all those that i can remember now
251008kayaking!! with kerby yicong oswell ben jiajuan (:
okays i feel super bad for lying..
couldnt even pen down the stuff =x
but heck!!
the next time i kayak i must have a 1 star!!
but before that, i wanna learn swimming..
and yeechern promised to teach! (:

koped the photo from class blog though i have it =x
anyways i look super ugly in the photo =x
yea.. it was quite fun overall..
sort of got how to turn directions liao
but felt so bad at first la.. couldnt remember a thing abt kayaking
like erm.. getting on the kayak, holding the paddle
but hey, me actually entering the water was quite a big step already?
though i didnt capsize =x
but the problem is i couldnt get up the kayak after that =x
yicong had to come down to help me la..
managed to get up but i ended up with 2 blue black and some scratches =x
donno how i got it hahas
anyways thanks alot to all of them (:
looking forward to the next kayaking session? xD
oh yea and its soooooooo cool to see eagles so near us
fighting over some meat
they are huge!! and pretty and cool and omg i love it xD
261008haha went JB to eat dinner
so shuang! ate la la, tian ji, san zhu ruo xD
erm but the table next to us was super pro
obviously nearly all of them are quite..big sized =x
and the amount of food they eat is...freaky
gosh how on earth did they finish that much of food
everyone has a plate of rice, the number of dishes is okay..
considering the number of ppl
but they have another big plate of noodles
plus a huge bowl of soup
and some of them have a enormous glass of drink
its almost the size of the glass in fish and co
which took me and my bro quite some time to finish =x
theirs is one person each!
and me and my mom had problem finishing the middle size glass ysterday
gosh it totally explains their size =x
opps im mean..
but seriously.. i think if yeechern join them for dinner
she confirm full (:
oh yah.. if i don mention the number of cockroaches along the drain
and the super huge rat that climbed over the ceiling,
the dinner was quite enjoyable.. =x
271008went kluang to visit grandma!!
been a month since i went back
and she progressed so fast!!
she can now walk slowly if ppl support her
her right hand and leg both have strength and can move abit
damn happy xD
yea i hope the 'get well soon' is working (:
praise the Lord (:
oh but.. i almost 'lost' my phone in the house
left it on the table and went out
when i came back its like gone?
my cousin who picked up the house phone earlier said he didnt see the phone
and wow it miraculously disappeared
after some trouble.. my mom found it in some drawer of that table
and the phone is offed
this is so amazing..
they found it freaky.. i found it disappointing..
if u guys get wat i mean..
but still.. i hope its not wat im thinking
coz i kept finding some excuses which doesnt seem valid..
and i have lots of bites..
mosquitoes and non-mosquitoes =x
[ersy] how can u behead the bear u pig!! ): cruelty to animal la u.. lets go play volleyball some day!!! must must must! and nope i play bootes
[cheryl] haha i like the ending.. siao one =x
[moni] lets all play together!!
[ken] thats why play more and lvl mah.. see os char so pro la i envious (:
[tyy] u are totally not lang de xu ming.. wah i wish u good luck u say i kuku.. fine lor.. next time i send a sms saying 'good luck' thats it =x i wanna cycle too! and roller blade! don mind.. we can go cycle then come over my house? =x haha yea jiayou with pw too..chiong finish then play like siao le (: hahha and i miss u too!! like totally!! [i type until... wan die...] spammer!
[ivan] don u try do that.. or else..
ecp is so fun!
sandcastle building is so fun!
though it keep falling apart
love our class sandcastle ok.. (:
theres this super cute miniature castle so cute la!! xD
the footprint was quite..wow
got tunnel some more Oo
and yea the big huge 2708 was nice too (:
so fun la!
and i finally got my tan!
acceptable la.. but i wanna go out play more
not jus for tan liao =x
took photos play water! so fun (:
sad cannot submerge ourselves coz house shirt is like white =/
me and yc over there watching the two birds flying round and round
so cute!
oh we saw like light green butterfly
pretty can (:
haha then me jj jas yc went eat
at mac
btw the noon sun is siao
but thank God for the clear blue sky (:
and i totally nvr dehydrate today unlike tue =x
right after sandcastle i spam water la
looks like the symptoms of my dehydration is always the same (:
jiajuan yeechern and me on the train
were like discussing about muscles non stop
haha so funny