im bored =x
its 1am and i don feel like sleeping
as usual
but that yicong chase me out of maple =x
end up blog hopping xD
damn scared i will fail promos la
gp.. high chance of failing
chinese.. err i don pass i can go bang wall la.. like compo NAQ?
phy.. is totally gone case if i don get U its a miracle
chem.. omg i have no idea why my chem in exam sucks like hell
maths.. not very sure if i can pass.. maybe jus pass shld be ok
econs.. haha half half chance.. see luck one
omg like that
my chance of passing is like less than half?
but now still need worry about pw op
i know my conversation skills sucks =x
and CRAP LA!
i wan see grandma :'(
totally jus cried when i heard wat my mom was saying
over the phone that day
not in front of her of course
and it was like at the start of exam so long ago?
but now i still cant go back coz of the stupid pw?
1:20 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[cheryl] hehe i know nothing but it jus seems interesting when i saw abit of it.. don sad..u know ryan can le (:
[eunice] jie! xD
[ersy] theres a season 2? i didnt know=x and movie?! it shall add on to my list xD u wanna play volleyball? xD
[moni] hehe xD i still love that song (: one of the classroom in blk 11 has koizora pics =x
[cafy] haha xD
oh i jus read justin's blog and remember wat happened that day
haha he need to take some
retarded photos
of the exhibition near the foyer with ppl looking at it
so he was almost like begging us to help him
jus to pose and
seem to look interested
we were like pushing here and there end up all go lol
yea and that was the day when i stayed till 6+ for eom consultation
siao i finished half of 2 maths paper la
waited almost 3 hr
and i was like 'didnt know guys were so nice to wait?' in msn pm
yep oswell shixiong kerby waited for me to go back together
but kerby the mugger went to mug =x
surprising coz i tot they will jus go back first =x
i know i know.. like always
i spam posts especially during exam times =x
shall upload photos =x

nekuin's bday present for me.. bahaha
its on my bag la so this is not exactly the first photo i took of it already
so now u know wat i do in class when im bored

kenneth and zhijian present
except for 'damn nice' i have nothing else to say
its like.. fuji mountain!! omg xD
sorry im jus in love with jap stuff
and heres wat u get from one whos too bored of mugging

i have no idea wth was i doing i jus saw this photo in my phone xD

promos timetable...
i will show the before and after condition of this paper on fri (:

medicine i have since 28 july

my own econs notes xD
nice right.. amazing that i did it
last but not least

guess wat is this..
no prize for right ans
maybe i'll give u a hug the next time i see u
but hey i'll hug all the girls when we meet up next time anyway xD
His peace never fails to calm me down.
thank you
its bring-a-box day today!
and all those who really replaced their bag with a box
totally jus keep getting stared at
zhaoqin one is super funny
the A4 paper box without cover some more
and wenjie totally brought nothing but his pencil 'box'
tml is bring-a-plastic-bag day xD
3:20 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ersy] uh starts and end next week xD
[jas] 2 days!! =x
got so irritated with myself that i decided to jus slack for a whole hr
so that i can seriously focus later
did practically nothing for today
supposed to read econs but i ended up packing the file
which is the exact same thing someone did on thurs -.-
sheesh history SHOULD NOT repeat itself!
but i still didnt study =x
jasmine allowed me to link her!
and obviously the first thing im gonna do is link
who is gonna wait till promos man.. xD
and heres a whole list of stuff jas typed for me (:
which put an end to our whole cycle of the heart breaking session =x
sweet isnt it? xD

did i say that after promos is gonna be a play-whole-day time?
sort of planning wat to do
in no order at all.. jus spamming wat i can think of
maybe jus to get my brain started for mugging later
watch 命中注定我爱你, hotshot, 葡萄地里的男人(jus to waste time)
ghost whisperer, prison break, criminal minds
and im so gonna ask zhaoqin to introduce drama xD
yea and i think i will go back to maple =x
unlike some ppl to went to play neopets xD
but no im not an addict (:
or maybe not yet =x
then.. die die must meet up with my girls
u shld know who u are xD
and that joker tyy who sent me the same sms 10 times yesterday
is obviously included
and i wanna go sentosa xD
maybe pull those girls there =x
sort of looking forward to the cdp
only becoz of the SAND SUN FRESH AIR =x
super long nvr go beach liao
and i suppose the class will be going kbox
oswell's suggestion =x
but before all these theres still something im dreading
yet unavoidable
s......... =x shh
i pray
that all those ppl who are getting sick will get well soon
including myself.. 6 weeks and countingthat those who are getting abit emo recently will cheer up soon
especially those two ppl..though i donno wat really happened =xthat those who are having troubles mugging will focus really..
me la duh =xthat those who are mugging already wont worry too much
im freaking scared yet im not studying =xthat everyone will pass promos successfully
no matter wat sch wat class whr u areu know i will be cheering u on even if im half dead =xthat she will open her heart to usfrom mr chu's blog
the life has just began. with a bang. it shall continue and get better!work hard people i know we are all struggling. hope this serves as a motivation too (:
3:57 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ivan] i wan!!! =x
[moni] lol i went back to that song afterall =x
[cheryl] haha yays!!
[iris] heys! xD

picture taken from apple.com
hereyea state the source or else its considered as plagiarism =x
the orange rocks like woah! xD
yea its totally the orange i love
and it looks so much nicer than 3rd gen =x
8gb for 248 and 16gb for 328
its for 149 and 200 in us.. zz
i so wan the 16gb =x
free shipping btw
theres lazer engraving as well
it totally jus rocks!
bet my gor wans the red
hes jus insane about product red items =x
and the red is not bad too (:
gosh.. shld i fork out my own money to buy?
ah im going crazy over it ):
and yea.. promos is in.. 4 days time
i seriously cant believe it
gonna chiong
i slept for 12hr yesterday =x
and i haven even started on any sub except maths
which means i finished maths btw =x
i have no idea why but i think im stupid enough to spend so much time on maths
i think i'll jus cry on monday after gp paper
im super scared i'll fail
which is actually..quite likely =x
blame it on myself
and O LEVELS! though its really easy if u put in the effort =x
which i obviously didnt put in enough (:
7:53 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[cheryl] unglam de!!
[cafy] lol stare at the pic lor.. he jus don believe the buildings in front were models =x
the girls ate drugs today!!
haha jus kidding (:
as usual jus went siao during lessons
kept laughing and laughing =x
so mrs siva asked wats wrong with us and if we ate drugs xD
haha retarded la!
they don agree with me that Mao looks cute!
jasmine saw his pic.. then ask who is he
hes cute can!! =x
but that jasmine jus said 'yicong's cuter'
coz he was like directly in front of her
and yicong totally blushed xD
his ears are like.. red la!
then the girls wanted to continue to say ben's cuter
and wenjie's cuter
but decided not to.. later break yicong's heart =x
haha so funny
back to the point
and me and joerh pon pe today (:
but its not considered pon coz i have an mc
and joerh is going to get an mc xD
pangseh the other 3 girls ~
jus nice they form a group for dance sia =x
wonder how they survived.. coz the groups will still change =x
hasnt been mugging much
cept for monday when i mug still 3am
coz i cant finish chem and theres a test
but i wasted my time coz the stuff were quite simple
and most of all, the teachers arent even marking
and i amazingly passed my econs common test 3
with a 13/25 xD
so above average already!
and i passed my gp essay too!!! exam condition ok!
for the first time i passed gp essay!
first time!! was freaking happy
last time the essays, either all naq, or they jus die die don wan pass me
and so far only 1 paragraph, PARAGRAPH,
is said to be a good example of development of my point
hopefully promos will be as good as this..
i don wanna be one of those who are stated in this quote:
'in jc u get all the lousy ppl around who are unmotivated and non-participative'
i shall motivate myself xD
and hopefully ppl arnd me
stupid edmund sound so hardworking all of a sudden
its freaking me out
6:41 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[tyy] funny la funny =x
[ersy] hahha so obvious even u know.. ya lor! 1 to 5 ratio..
[ken] why laugh?
[ivan] haha don need to fill..
actually i don really have anything to update about
erm promos is in a few weeks time
and i jus realise
every subject took up 2 thin ring files
so now i understand why aj sell files this thick
its useful afterall =x
sadly i bought none =/
yea 300808
i went up the flyer!
omg i jus realise that that day got some event
xchange 2 maple ppc for a poster
and its at suntec
and i totally went there for half the day!?
omg i hate myself for missing out such details
coz i tot it was over long ago since that update was on 180808 -.-
yea anyway.. flyer
its nice la.. i love the photo i took but i jus hate the rain for spoiling it
heres a photo i took while on the flyer
its outside the cabin
and look at the buildings proportion
it totally doesnt look like a model does it? xD
have fun staring at it like wat yicong did (:

3:35 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*