jus simply don care about wat i think?
how about that
it solves all problem
when u are halfway filing ur ws for the past half a year
and u flip through ur lecture notes
then u ask urself
wat exactly have i achieved in this half a year
hmm.. i guess my ans was simple
oh wells
time to push the panic button
and i know myself too well
even after ranting down here
i will go back to the track, my 'circle'
yea not doing tutorial
slack around
exams die
and wat not..
6:17 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[jas] hahhahha that was the worse =x
[cheryl] get some fishball (:
so funny
sat morning went for speech day
yep got a bronze
oh wells not like its great =/
miss all the girls so much
saw laoshi as well (:
took lots of photos la
with jasmine's cam
thanks for lending the cam!
but i look so ugly =/
anyway... crescent rocks (:
then went out to eat at novena
with edlyn jingwen jiaying and tyy
three of us shared a bowl of noodles (:
then i slacked around
waited till like 4.30 then go amk
funny la..
earliest to reach there
everyone else is like late?
and the 'organizer' himself came the latest?
and we pay 9.50 to go into a freezer
as quoted from louis =x
watched dark knight
now i know why tyy's fren prayed for those ppl while watching
overall quite nice la
[i don comment much about movies if u notice]
then as usual went to eat and slacked around
at some arcade
very funny
after they played and watever
we were standing near the entrance
then mr how say the arcade like got magnet like that
keep attracting the guys in
then the girls went off
to pick that eyc up
and the guys donno go whr
coz that eyc is like all alone at macs
so poor thing
and yah we went over to jasmine's house
her dogs freaking scary la!
we reach her storey and they started barking like crazy
keep barking non stop la
even after she open the door at us
went to sniff yc
i jus stone one corner don dare go in
in the end still ok la
the white one got split personality one
at a moment it very nice to us
at another it start barking like crazy
bit all of us once each lor
then wangwang very guai
don really bark like the siao one
but keep licking my leg
and sneeze at me twice =/
oh good thing the dogs arent allowed to sleep with us
coz baby peed at the mattress after we woke up
and it pooped at the house door =/
oh yah and we took alot of retarded photos
coz there is jasmine u know..
then went to yicong house next morning
at 8+?
joerh and yc went along for like an hour or two
managed to do a bit more on the stupid pw la
ok don wanna talk about it
played a bit of maple! =x
yicong's acc.. siao la lvl 15 2 steely
and his house give me luck leh!
i lost all my password since i donno when
including asiasoft? pin number everything!
retarded i know
try donno how many times before
but i managed to figure it out there
rocks! xD
now i have my sin back
but my Cake is gone =x
ok la crap alot
i totally nvr touch any tutorials
8:40 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
photo time!
couldnt upload all some got problem..

our table rocks..even mdm khoo says so

issit jasmine who messed it up? =x

joerh's gift for mr chu

jasmine's elmo!
it says byebye mr chu

jasmine be glad i didnt put the other one up =x
so kiddy right?

paint was so fun
like pri sch like that

our shadows (:

something i can see from my house
it was soooo cool
coz after the rain it was like misty..
thats about it
i haven gotten the pic we took with mr chu last fri
6:05 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[cheryl] haha i no cam leh.. =/ u will see me kiaping food for ppl =x
[ersy] yea i suppose there is xD during phy spa i totally acted as a photocopy machine la
wahh im freaking full
but i love japanese curry like crazy (:
yea i know i should be uploading the photos
but as u can see...im..lazy =x
good news i finished my eom draft yesterday 1+
bad news i still have 8 articles and im not progressing =/
thats about it im so full............
8:46 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[cafy] lol.. doing stuff mah..
grats to me for last night
i did 1 para of EoM
and fell asleep face flat on the bed
and only woke up at 5
to find that the lights and my tablet and the radio are all on
and benedict the siao person talk to me at 4+
rubbish la then go back to sleep after offing everything
and over slept..
today so funny
after sch the gp extra lesson
mr chu actually brought in his precious camera
which he don even let anyone touch
and he let jasmine 'play' lor
she was taking some funny photos
of 'we-know-what'
then took photos la yah
jasmine super funny
at first she say the girls behind like so small
the guys in front so big
then mr chu go zoom the whole thing to our face
then her reaction was sooo funny!
she was like 'nooo' 'change back change back!'
and she off the thing, cover the screen
do lots of funny actions..
so funny! couldnt stop laughing
oh yah and PTM
me jasmine iskandar to one table
at first totally no one come to our table lor
all go zhijian and jon there
then they finish one tray of beehoon
ours half oso not gone yet
cant really remember..
mr chu that person
lousy la.. wanna eat the food himself but ask mr how go take
which obviously end up both oso nvr take
i took for them and still come complain i only took one fork
share one fork la..waste resources..
and jasmine very funny
she chiap the beehoon until hand pain
and she say tonight when she sleep
she will be doing the same action
next week got one more PTM
have fun =x
11:48 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[xavier] bleh
[ken lo] yeah im not replying ur tag..
[ah boon] who are u..don tag weird stuff
[tyy] i miss u too!! are u going for speech day? xD
yepp move house on sun
so sat sun i totally nvr study
move here move there scar and blue black everywhr
one whole line down my leg
yah la
then now the house full of boxes
i oso lazy pack la..
even have to hunt for clothes in the morning
dragged most hw
cept gp essay
i give mr chu face okay!
coz he leaving soon liao
tml no tutorial
thurs got lc missing lesson
then fri last lesson liao
aww so sad =x
anyways i did essay till 2am lor
which explains why i slept throughout the whole of monday
lecture, sleep
civics tut sleep
mass civics sleep
phy tut.. ok la.. half awake liao
xD quite fun though
anyway good news
and alot hw
sian ah!!
and bathing after pe is really addictive
im so serious
feels super nice la!
lets have a deal to bath every week man..
wah stupid mr chu distract me
i forgot wat i wan to say..
something abt me having fun today...
with paint! show the pic tml xD
heres my results
maths B
chinese B
econs E
phy S
chem S
yeah stupid i know
8:58 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
100% random
[cheryl] around the same area la..kinda retarded but yah..
[moni] of coz! xD
[ersy] all of them are cute!!! cant find the L one though =x
[iris] haha its ok..i mess enough already =x
[jie] i got put..quite some time ago =x
[tyy] my results are like crap la who cares!
on a second thought..
u guys might not wan to come to my house afterall
its like.....even i don like it
wat makes u think that u will find my house even near to being 'nice'
had guitar farewell for J2
but we are the only ones who will ever give socks for presents =x
watched L changed the world
yah quite nice
though i will gladly change it for something of the same price
almost lost my phone today..
left it in block 4 classroom i guess
luckily some nice council ppl picked it
and thanks to eyc and her monkey
yahh i owe wesley one
did i mention i slept for 12 hours 2 days ago?
i jus reached home and went to bed and nvr woke up
which meant i didnt do any tutorials
and i made zhijian wait online for wat 3 hrs
end up he did my part for econs for me =x
he will jus kill me if he reads this coz i was like sleeping while he was waiting
all the fats that i didnt eat for the past few days coz i was sick
i bet i ate more than enough of it today
sheesh pizza snacks..dinner at 12am?
im so gonna die
read eyc's blog for a funny incident about mr chu
'hello mr chu? who are you?'
i badly need my sleep so byebye
they say that when one door closes, another will open
if not.. at least theres a window
but why do i feel like both doors are closed,
and the window is locked.
12:50 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
060708 nice number
sad i went to change add on ic yesterday
050708 so ugly
that sticker even more ugly
not like my ic was nice to begin with
but now everything is ugly
[.] ehh who are u.. since when did i depend on luck
[moni] why need email to council teacher? and tyy the top spammer..her position cannot be replaced by anyone =x 4 U grades? i think wait long long oso don have for u lor xD
[hor] thanks.. not like u can support physically anyways xD
[tyy] having a fun time spamming right..
[cafy] lol that tyy la.. hardcore spammer
[cheryl] i don think i can la my oral is cmi all the way one
[ivan] since when is she not =x
gonna rant and its like..very long =x
need pack stuff tml again
sunday moving liao
jie flying tml midnight
from terminal 3! xD

jie's chip and dale
say bye and cya soon!
if u can see that red thingy, its the elmo jasmine gave
hor's rukia oso somewhr there
and i think shuyi and adelicia's tiger xD
*most of the pic i choose are the worst case scenario
and yah most ppl shld have seen my table before
so i shant put it up =x

i'll miss the mess me and my sis make
that drives my mom crazy almost every other day

i'll miss my bro room
that allow me to blast music like there's no tomorrow
and that time when i made a total mess out of it
coz he went for camp =x

i'll miss the times when i mess up my mom's bed
and get scolded for eating on it
and leaving pen marks everywhr =x

i'll miss the coffee table that i love cleaning
coz it means i can mess it up again with my stuff =x
oh wells seems like my memories of the house
is practically messing it up all the time
but i love it like crazy
the big big living room
the nice toilet
[coz the new toilet is at kitchen -.-]
our doubledeck bed
[though its so ma fan to be climbing up and down all the time]
but im so used to it that i can close my eyes and walk around
not on the lights while bathing in mornings
jus sleepwalk my way through
oh wells..
ten years.. more than half my life already
thats how long i take to get used to a house
no one knows i guess?
im scared of houses that im not used to
it gives me an eerie feeling no matter wat
but frens house are ok coz i know im not living there =x
i still remember when i moved into this house
i don dare to sleep alone the first few years
and now when i step into the new house
i get the same feeling
roars i don wanna move
but wat else can i do anyway
i'll get used to it sooner or later
but i will still love my current house no matter wat
but the best thing of all
[at least i need to find something good to balance my heart u know..]

i get to put these up in my room (:
all thanks to my eyc for helping to get the light one xD
oh eyc reminded me
i ate ajisen hokkaido seafood ramen
soooooooooooooooooo nice <3
9:24 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[moni] i don believe u can get U sia.. =x
[eyc] might still fail leh!
[ersy] hahaha we rocks.. anyways promos isnt very far from now anyways =x
[ken] lol i oso got 20 over =x
sian ah
yesterday throat abit pain
so i started eating lozenges
this morning...
wah pain until i don wanna talk can
been spamming with lozenges
no use =x
then now flu oso
tue chi a lvl oral ah!!
i don wanna die!
and whole day gone today
at the new house there filling up holes
wiping here and there
tml don wan go liao
stay at home clear my hw -.-
this will be the one and only house i will ever call 'home'
simply hate every single thing in that house
7:28 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
YEP as expected
gp got E
chem got S
sian ah
but maths B and chinese B
quite okay lor
balance abit but still very unbalance =x
physics is got hope to get U
econs oso high change of getting U
so die le lor
nth much to say.. yep
jus.. sian
8:45 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*