help out in campfire prep
then go for my cousin wedding dinner
i seriously haven TOUCH any tutorial
or even read lecture notes
why next week the stuff all overlap one..
but i rather it overlap than making me not free for all 5 days
at least now i can mug on tuesday and thursday
which will be a good thing
cant go for actual campfire
and cant go for sec 4 farewell
nyahh T.T
and a pig is bullying me.. T.T
and eyc isnt helping T.T
ask me have fun some more T.T
11:21 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
they totally fogged the rubbish chute today
the corridor, outside the lift, even at the letter box
everywhr! flooded with cockroaches!
ok not to the extent of flooded..at least i could still walk
but its freaking disgusting!
some of them don even look like cockroaches
mutated one ah?
and some baby ones are like so tiny
but still so disgusting!
anything but cockroaches
i don even care if they are spiders
pw wr workshop today
i seriously hate myself
coz i simply cannot sleep during lectures unless
im totally totally cannot take it
or else i will jus stone, my eyes don even wan to close
best la.. tired but cannot sleep
jiayou on pw
though i totally wan to give up on it
5:21 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ersy] i see u too!! hahas.. and i didnt get to see chenlaoshi as well =x hope this sat get to see her..if shes in charge of ava for campfire =x
[yy] i did not! =x
[ivan] nyehh
[eyc] still got quite a number of ppl haven go back la.. jus call anyone and surely they will wan to go back =x
lol i realise i still call them sec 3
they are sec 4s now!!
and we are j1!!
i so love myself
for having so many stuff in jus my study table itself
gosh the stuff i cleared is like less than a quarter..
and the box is almost full already -.-
i only packed in my sec sch notes
manga, time magazine, tablet stuff and some misc items
thats all! and the box is full
now my table is like messier than ever
top empty, bottom in an absolute mess -.-
i haven no idea if i can even find my jc notes and hw
and i will be more than surprised if my stuff alone
fill up only 2 boxes
coz from the looks of it.. i think i will need 4 -.-
and that is jus my study table itself
sorry thats jus how junk accumulates
if u actually live in the same house for 10 years
well its true at least for me =x
i don wan to move house
but its actually a good chance for me to clean my table
i jus threw away a whole huge plastic bags of rubbish
and i bet in the middle of somewhere
there will be organisms crawling all over
having so much fun in the maze =x
sorry thats jus how dirty my table is
i can say i jus saw a spider among the rubbish i threw away
plus plus plus..some stuff has an extremely thick layer of dust =x
i promise to keep all my stuff clean after moving
coz my study table will finally be in my room (:
and soon i can hog the whole room coz jie wont be there (:
and i don wan to have so much trouble finding my stuff
and finally get to find them years later =x
and lastly
so obviously i wont anyhow chunk them somewhere
with the excuse of.. 'no space la'
so fun
but its not really nice coz in the mist of midyears
i will still be packing my stuff and watsoever..
hopefully i don lose my jc notes in the middle of nowhere
p.s. i jus realise i only packed in half of my sec sch notes
someone save me please.. ):
9:59 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[eyc][nekuin] fun to be drunk!
[ivan] i not as uncivilized as u (:
yesterday.. went crescent with yy farhani and shiqi
to get our o lvl cert
so nice they give us a file to put all the stuff
but then the file cover is kinda crap =x
then went queensway
farhani class making class t
and i saw this cross necklace
soooo nice
but cost 16.90 and im quite broke
then..shiqi left first
and i tell her the wrong direction
then i went to funan
help find laptop bag and stuff with my sis
went to the exact same shop whr i bought my tablet bag from
lol managed to find one
not bad :D
need go back that area again to get shuqiao her guitar bag =x
took u long enough to tell me u actually wan the bag..
i went home long time ago
went back crescent again
for ya meeting and look at their campfire rehearsal
ms azlin is still the same as ever =x
i still think that the sec 3 are giving themselves too much work
each song has a person dressed up to fit the song
that sort of thing
its kinda.. donno how to say but..
maybe not really needed =x
but true that it adds abit of atmosphere la
the souvenir not bad though
this sat campfire liao
and they still have quite a number of things to do
jiayou ppl!
campfire this sat
unit camp and ya meeting next monday
kitchen shelter training for sec 3 wed
sec 4 farewell sat
camp last week of holidays
right after holidays midyears
omg..no time to play
still wan go shopping with eyc
coz its gss now
but i spent so much money this month already!
and this is the time when i actually is involved in guides
though we join as ya at start of the yr
but don really have time to go back
one more thing
few of us were talking last time
shld have combine ug camp or something
me ka en moni soap shuqiao
and totally saw nekuin!! bahahaa
so long nvr see liao
and now then i know teachers are serious tied up to their neck
coz of the students event
crescent teachers are workaholic coz they don have a choice =x
culture in crescent is like so different..
9:30 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[yy] heh! i lazy leh =x and we have one doggy already wat..
[eyc] NOT
[iris] NO WAY!!
grandpa's birthday!
im amazed
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GONG GONG!! <3 let the pictures tell the story =x sorry the photos quality not that good coz i make them smaller =x big occupy alot of space la



mango and tapioca

durian tree
and obviously.. all these are grown by my grandparents (:

gong gong~ and his cake
totally surrounded by..
son daughter grandson granddaughter
great grandson and great granddaughter
he soooo old! 84 (:
and imagine the number of ppl there are
these are like.. half of them only
the rest are like sitting somewhr..
we took up like 4 tables
and not all of my relatives came..
at least
one of da jiu daughter overseas
3 of er jiu kids overseas
side track abit
his house like freaking big
somemore is at corner kind..so its even more exp
coz corner houses get more land
then with 3 kids overseas
actually all 4 went
1 in UK, 1 US, 1 australia
1 jus came back from US some years ago
and they jus went UK for holiday
jus how rich are they... -.-
ok sorry im jus amazed totally
and yah another 3 of san jiu family donno why nvr come
one of them my cousin..he even asked if i going back
in the end he nvr come -.-
da yi family.. 3 nvr come
yah and that add up to..9?
ohh need another table =x
sorry la crapping alot

gong gong po po
me jie mum uncle
okays now lets look at some of my relatives

my niece
this girl is super smart i tell u
so bright la..as a kid
she can make funny faces
take photos from digital cam
and show u the photo she took
i mean.. she knows how to use it!?
and she doesnt look as 'dai' as other kids will
like..give u the stone face
shes super cute!! :D

the 4 siblings
oso my niece and nephew

another pair of siblings
the boy is wearing a pikachu suit =x

hehe a super young one
arent they cute!!
thats practically all la
i lazy elaborate
oh btw its good to have so many kids around
coz.. they sing the birthday song enough already
u know..kids are like enthu abt such stuff
so we didnt have to sing at all (:
but the bad thing will be..
during CNY the adults have to bring along like stacks of ang bao
coz there are the..so many kids
and i got to drink alcohol
in the good way
coz i wearing sleeveless
and ppl like me feel cold super easily
but that day i was like drinking alcohol
abit of red wine
and a glass of some alcohol with half of it 7-up
taste super nice
so addictive =x
and it kept me so warm
the cosy kind
then my cousin say my face red already
and my face feels warm la
it feels good though
jus that after that i was super tired
got abit of headache
so fun i wanna drink again (:
and yep i rebonded my hair again
its sort of addictive la
coz my hair like that.. don rebond cmi =x
6:34 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ivan] i nvr chiong!!! and his room soundproof meh..then why u say can listen to him sing from outside
[ersy] lol my mom is the one cooking so i cant decide wat time i eat =x and i think i might puke if i do sit ups =x nvm i shall jus decrease my food intake =x
[eyc] not obscene! is sexy bahaha
[moni] are u the one who is nose bleeding? :D i confirm have to take care of nameless :D
[yy] haha coz ur keyboard don like u =x OUTING OUTING tyy is NOT angry with me anymore!!
[cheryl] pe is totally nasty! but we don have pe until next term already!! oh no
[soap] how nice.. lolx
[wesley] WELCOME! but sorry to bully u and yc today :p

zy's bday cake
so cool right!
p.s. he same age as me hor

our medal!!!
it surely look better than gold =x
coz the gold look like bronze
it says
anderson junior college
track and field meet 2008
4x400m inter pdg
jc1 girls
team 2nd

the basketball finals
donno if they won though
and i shld have taken photos of them shooting 3-pointers
it was so cool can

this photo quite cool :D
jasmine was behind asking mr chu qn
then we here taking photo of our reflection
and i totally used the camera to cover my face
coz i didnt realise that the reflection is actually so clear
shows my inexperience of photo taking =x
6:47 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[cheryl] haha i might end up saying i love this kind of pe some day (:
[eyc] the sexy legs are urs! =p
[ersy] hahha.. my fren has a room that is totally like a jamming studio.. guitars..drum.. i don think it is sound proof though..
[yy] no choice leh.. JIAYOU JIYAOU! i suppose u are not as angry at me already! (:
we did gpp today!!
and spent half the time playing =x
like the stupid little fighter 2
i remember playing that so much in sec 2
and we ate this very weird combi of food today
bread, potato, chicken, pizza and margarine i suppose
super weird combi
we tot yicong always eat that
but he said its also his first time eating like that
but so funny =x
talking abt food
i seriously cannot take it
i might jus consider to stop eating dinner
coz my stomach is pissing me off
it takes an hour [or more] for my stomach to realise there is food
and thus making me full
and its super irritating coz
i eat dinner at 7 or 8
and start to feel full only at 9+
so at 10+ i will be quite bloated
[mind u its dinner, not breakfast]
and plus im tired and feel like sleeping
but i can nvr sleep with a bloated stomach
so its freaking uncomfortable la!
i rather starve to death while sleeping
than to die from this stupid feeling..
my wrist still hurt from playing guitar
sometimes play too long.. feels numb
seriously have no idea wats wrong
and it was merely a scratch
and blood gushed out like crazy
oh and i think i didnt make this clear
maybe some ppl might think in the wrong way
like someone did..
the post on 5th may..
abt some key thingy
has nothing to do with the word l-o-v-e
err maybe it has
but definitely not bgr i can assure
11:05 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
17 years old liao!
don act like monkey anymore!
<3 ya forever!!! (:
and i think i didnt say
this week pe was totally torturous
tue one...
me and yeechern went late coz of some rubbish )*&$@(
so we did all the stuff after the rest
2 round warm up
run 4 rounds
by right 5 incline pull up
and 20 of that err log lifting thingy
the rest of them did more..plus skipping i think
i almost died coz i sort of dehydrated -.-
after 2 whole years
totally nvr dehydrate until so bad lor
but come to think of it
the past few days i didnt even drink up to 500ml of water =x
then thurs
was jus as bad
2 rounds warm up
100 skipping
20 situp
20 dips
20 pushup
run 4 rounds
100 skipping again
run 2 more rounds
almost died.. -.-
but i survived!
though i was like lagging behind like crazy
thanks to joerh for running with me
though i was slow
but if she wasnt there.. i think i will end up walking =x
but i don really mind such pe la
coz im not even in sports cca
if i don exercise during pe
i donno when will i ever get to run and stuff =x
there are like 18 pieces
and he jus eat eat eat eat eat
gor hasnt even seen the box
mom only ate 1.. more like half
i don think jie ate any
i ate like 2
i finally couldnt take it and took some into the fridge
then when mom took the whole box away
he was like 'xiaorong took away alot'
i cant believe he don even bother thinking
our uncle bought it all the way from US
how many of us has eaten it?
gor nvr even knew of its existence i bet
ppl like ME havent even gotten to a place further than malaysia
let alone tasted anything from US
if someone gave me such a box of chocolate.. i think it will last me for a year
i still have a box of chocolate from last yr
and the little box of chocolate from the class for my bday
not finished..
but a bit siao..why i can finish sweets so fast..
but chocolates can last....so long Oo
sorry but i do have a special feelings for gifts and presents
especially when it came from so far away
there has been a number of times when
the present someone gave me
sort of broke or watever
and someone else merely said..can buy a new one
maybe jus to make me not feel so sad
but i simply get freaking irritated
don they see that
its different
its not the same gift that that person gave
i donno how to say that kind of feeling but..
im weird
10:50 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[moni] don need to guess.. it IS eyc's (:
[ivan] oh..then u are both lor =x
[kenneth] he is? hahhaa
[zy] are u zy or not..?
[jenny] its ok.. u like so busy can.. jyjy!!
[eyc] nyahh~
[wes] wat do u think? (: go see eyc blog oso
lol i forgot when is his birthday
and his birthday cake totally rocks
okay i finally found out how to improve on guitar
as in to change chords fast enough..
jus keep playing the song.. even if its out of tune :D
as long as the left hand fingering is around the correct position
jus keep playing and somehow the finger will find the exact position
and the fingers can move fast enough to be in the tempo
hahas i bet no one understands wat im saying
but as long as i get it can le
coz i can finally play the starting of the song properly!!
like..without pausing for 5 sec before i play the next chord =x
'If we hold on together'
i think playing melody might suit me better
but i still love chords even though i cannot play well =x
terry is totally a joker
and the j2 seniors are so funny as well
those in section 3 i mean
provided theres a proper bed [not double deck]
and a guitar
and radio
and preferably a study table
rocks la!
1:16 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
hasnt been blogging coz im lazy
but i realise that even if i don blog
im not doing hw as well!
so i might as well jus blog =x
super overdue quiz =x
1. what's your name?
2. what does your friends call you?
xiaorong, xrb, xr
3. what time is it now?
4. if you could chage your eye colour, what would it be?
5. how many pillows do you have on your bed?
6. who was the last text message you send to?
7. what colour is your shirt right now?
white. 2c2 class t (:
8. who's the fourth person on your contact list?
9. when was the last time your cried?
few weeks ago i don remember
10. what school are you in?
11. do you have a crush?
12. who was the last person that made you laugh?
err ivan bah.. he was jus bring retarded as usual
13. how long is your hair?
need me use ruler measure?
14. what was the longest time you ever slept?
16 hrs. 2pm to 6am. woke up coz i too hungry =x
15. have you seen your bestfriends cried?
yes.. who hasnt?
16. what thing you cant stand?
17. what you gonna do nwo?
err blog then do hw
18. would you sleep at a friend's house or have the over?
raid their house!
19. when was the alst time you scolded someone?
cant remember
20. would you like your friends to do this too?
no..its sort of a waste of time but still..
21. then ask 5 of your friend to do this test
don care i shall list all that i can
moni soap shuqiao nekuin cheryl eunice yeechern wesley justin kenneth fuyang
for the last 3 nights
i have been sleeping in piles of ws
and the tablet beside them
once wose, my hair was tied up
so the next morning it was like crap
but guess wat..
in the end i still don finish all the hw
and they are stacking up
wah sian la
i seriously need to clear them soon
like real soon
gp midyears coming up
and i even owe mr chu redo articles
and i finally got my guitar (:
200 + 20 + 15 + 2
guitar, bag, tuner, picks
quite ok bah
better than the sch order one can liao =x
i jus don like yamaha la
i like the sound of this guitar (:
rosewood and cedar
not bad
but the string got 1 rusty -.-
lousy can
cant he give me a new guitar
buy thanks to ivan for bringing me there =x
end up being my 'helper' =x
flunked chem spa
wat rubbish was i thinking
sian ah
and i cant wait to move house
coz jie going australia soon
then i will have the whole room to myself!
i seriously love the feeling to have a room to myself
now every time gor go camp
i will hog his room =x
super nice (:
8:51 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
all of a sudden
i realised that
its locked.
and no one
has the key.
will that day
8:43 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
12:00 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[shuqiao] yeaaaaaa
[eunice] lol i haven even got to practice.. =x
[zijun] lol..
[ersy] coz guitar rocks :D me shuqiao eunice tyy all in guitar~ lets hunt down for her then =x
happy labour day
a day for us to work =x
jasmine was playing this song (:
its so nice <3
No secret - I'll remember youIt has been so long since we have talked I hope that things are still the same hoping they will never change cause what we had can't be replaced don't let our memories fade away keep me in your heart for always You made me believe that I can do almost anything stood right by me through the tears through everything I'll remember you, and baby that's forever true you're the one that I'll always miss never thought it would feel like this I'll be there for you, no matter what you're goin' through in my heart you'll always be, forever baby I'll remember you I promise you I won't forget the times we shared, the tears we cried You'll always be the sun in my sky It may be fate that brings us back to meet again someday Even though we go separate ways You made me believe that I can do almost anything You stood right by me through the tears through everything I'll remember you, and baby that's forever true you're the one that I'll always miss never thought it would feel like this I'll be there for you, no matter what your goin' through in my heart you'll always be, forever baby I'll remember you If the day should come when you need someone (you know that i'll follow) I will be there Don't ever let there be a doubt in your mind 'cause I'll remember you, you I'll remember you, and baby that's forever true you're the one that I'll always miss never thought it would feel like this I'll be there for you, no matter what your goin' through in my heart you'll always be, forever baby I'll remember you Forever baby, I'll remember you
8:03 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*