[eunice] lol see first bah.. i didnt even go for our sch concert =x
[zijun] lol we rock! (:
[ersy] yays! haha
[cherly] i wish too!!
<333333333 (:
alot of things happened..
didnt even sing birthday song
ppl!! sing on friday okay!
i need to confess..
i didnt read the bible for almost one week
seriously..the more i say the more it sound like excuse..
but i totally threw the bible to the back of my head..
lets recap abit
sat i forgot wat i was doing..
sun i mug maths until wat 12+
which i got 22/30 ><
means 2 marks gone for careless mistake?
mon i do pi until 4+
thank God
mdm khoo said it was ok..
and i survived the next day
which i have no idea how
coz there is 2.4 napfa which i ran in 15.09min
super lousy i know
tues i do i do gp and fell asleep halfway at 11+
only manage to wake at 5 -.-
and mr chu say my points are alright!!
so happy!! i tot will be all wrong (:
oh very funny some more..
i woke at 5 that time..
my tablet was still on and guess wat..
the msn conversations there were..
totally filled the whole thing till each bar is like..
whoo small sia
and when i open all of them..
everyone offline liao!
so today! to read before i sleep!
tml alot of things to chiong..
gp essay draft, articles
econs essay
chem ws
pw gpp editing
and i wanna get guitar!!
lets recap abit more..
provided i can remember them
ok la track and field meet
yeechern only found out that
shes running 4 by 400m like..
2 or 3 events before that or something =/
hahas but she did well!
and they got first!
3 trackers and 1 i donno who
but all very pro (:
good job to all cougar ppl!
coz cougar has 18 gold and donno how many silver
but that makes cougar the champion house already
coz the second house is like..7 gold
how is it possible..
so pro la cougar this yr
and inter-pdg race don have medals!!! so sad ><
i wan guitar
and i wan the score of the songs they play in concert!!
10:06 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[cheryl] wheeeeesssssss
[ka] my table rocks right..and take cares too! congrats again for getting through the council interview!! <3
[yy] hahaha u oso know it WAS so neat =x
today is friday
but tml we are meeting for gpp
sun maybe got band concert
mon there is math test
wed there is chem and phy test =x
chinese is so crap can
mr lee totally anyhow mark one..
compre qn got one i wrote one sentence only.. i got 5/8
summary qn i wrote word count on
left side
he -1mark
he wans it on the right
compo i only wrote 2 pages i got 40/60
somemore their one page is like 200 over words only
it will be like less than 1 1/2 page in crescent la
like that get b3?
so pro can
the break dancers from korea
impressive like..
Hillsong United - Second ChanceYou called my name, reached out Your hand,Restored my life, and I was redeemed,The moment You entered my life,Amazing grace, Christ gave that day,My life was changed,Went from my shoulders, fell the weight of my sinChorusSo it's with everything I am,I reach out for Your hand,The hope that changed a second chance I've gained,On You I throw my life, casting all my fears aside,How could greater love then this, ever possibly existConsume my thoughts, as I rest in You,I'm now in love, with a Saviour,Bearing the marks of His loveChorus x2So I wait upon You now,With my hands released to You,Where a little faiths enough,To see mountains lifted move,Yeah and I wait upon You now,Dedicated to Your will,To this love that will remain,A love that never fails
10:37 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i suppose its not good to accumulate tag replies..
so here goes!~
[cafy] i oso don see u online one.. =x
[xavier] i am myself but it doesnt help right..
[zijun/oswell] lol wat zijun said really does sound like someone with iq but no eq =x
[eyc] 3.141592654!! i can tell that u have nothing to do anyways <3
[ersy] like no use leh
[wesley] sorry but nothing to do with jc life =x thanks anyway (:
[ivan] u wan gay go somewhr else gay la! mao not gay okay! get lost! ): and i don mind giving u my table =x
[yy] u know i don really rant that much abt.. yah.. btw u know neko-chan is eyc right.. why u say ersy for
[cheryl] next wed is track and field meet!
[kenneth] lolx it resembles me =x
anyways common test coming up!
and im dying! =x
phy spa was...hais
math test wat.. rubbish
next week got chem phy math test
phy math cmi
but chem oso not any better
so im practically dead
and pi dateline is like next week
and my pi currently is like not even AE
how on earth am i going to improve in such short time
this week no bs
super sad ):
and well done!
watever i do
no matter when i do
it jus means that i don study
if she doesnt see
totally please

our lovely tables during gp (:
erm more like wat is hidden under the table
thats wat that is nice (:

my table during o lvl

my table right now
got any diff meh.. -.-

can guess wat are these la
so orange

cute or cute :D
its orange too! (:
7:47 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
shall reply tags next time!!
ignore my emo post gomenasai
just want to say a few things..
1. my table is in such a mess that i cant stand it anymore
yet im unwillling to pack them coz
its in a mess but at least i know whr are my stuff =x
when are we moving house!!
2. jus when i tot my life is in such a mess
i realise that its pi thats killing me
3. my stm is so bad that i cannot take it anymore
e.g. i stared at a chinese word for 10s and forgot how to write it after walking 3 steps
4. i seriously need to train on my incline pull up
but im not doing anything to train!! ahh!!
when one is driven to insanity =x
11:06 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[soap] yah why u so extra.. soap cannot eat leh
[zijun] lol why is the temperature of bao so high
[cheryl] cheryl my love! muacks! :D
[ersy] haha my nick has always been food.. but moni is coz shes blind and deaf =x
[yy] edible then nice wat! :p and ivan is simply gay..but he shldnt gay with my idols right! yy i miss u so much can!! and 4g1 ):
[ivan] all i can say is.. gay gay gay gay gay gay can!
why is it so torturous
why does it hurt so much inside
why does everything that has got to do with her piss me off so much
why does being pissed off make me wanna cry
yet when i wan to cry, it is when i cant
why is it that there are so many a time when i wan to cry,
i have to suppress my feelings till,
i can say that i donno how to cry anymore
everyone has their own way of venting their angry
be it throwing stuff or wat
i can say i have none
its not that im not angry
its that i have the input, but not the output =x
do u exactly know wat is causing all these
do u know why im like that
do u think that this is a way of venting my anger
do u know exactly wat i wan
i wan nothing
which part of it do u not get it
just stick to ur freaking stubborn mindset and i'll love u forever
well done
the reason why im like that
is all because of u
im so proud of u
way of solving everything?
i seriously have no idea
talking to her will make her understand?
knowing one too well make u wish that u never knew her
jus kill me pls
11:05 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
nothing is wrong
still..i will say
thank God
now lets wait for the time for me to explode
yesterday was the finals for 4x100m
girls and boys
well..as expected..
the guys got 2nd (:
very good already
well done (:
and the girls.. got...
5th =x
sorry la i totally off yesterday
but still.. good job ppl
so overall class 27/o8 inter pdg race
4x400 boys - 2nd
4x100 boys - 2nd
4x400 girls - 2nd
4x100 girls - 5th =x
8x50 girls - 1st <-LOL
we got alot of 2nd..
and the 8x50 we ran recre but donno why
our timing was there and it was first
so yea
i love 27/o8 <3
and its full of ppl who love eating!
especially munching in class =x
7:07 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
10:01 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[eyc] i love my eyc!!!! <3
[ivan] why xrb must have brain? don get it =/
[zy] eh rare for u to tag..but why is he cute..don gay with ivan hor :p
[moni] we were together when we called u long xia :D so thats our name for u (: I DON MIND GETTING EATEN BY U, U KNOW!! <3 HAHA
hoho i slacked my day away as usual
time to start work
5:17 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[moni] coz u are!! <3
[ersy] if possible, of coz we should have one (:
[eyc] baka :p
hmm lost my inspiration to blog i donno why
been sleeping alot the past few days
thurs i slept from 9 to 530
fri slept from 9 to 9
pro or pro simply
wan to die can
but i still redid my stupid pi today
like totally sian diao
hope tml can finish the left over tutorials
and mug all the lecture notes
oh juggling on thurs was super fun :D
moni and soap went too
juggle balls which we all cannot make it (:
play the diabolo super fun!
i wan go buy and play
but kerby say they say it cost like 45 bucks -.-
then stilt walking
haha soap shouted all the way when she walk
i only shriek once okay! (:
so fun so fun how i wish we can learn all these and not study ><
wat am i thinking
brainless can
9:35 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ersy] haha ersy is bad!! (:
[kido] tyty (:
[eunice] thanks lol nvm la
[yc] go and die~ :p
[ivan] not my fault right i jus touch and a bit came off =/
[zijun] haha okok
[yy] lets sing it for u someday haha :p
[moni] <3 moni~ coz 你又聋又瞎 (:
[hor] haha thanks (:
whoo i sort of finish quite alot of hw bah
considering the fact that normally i don do
ohh yesterday was like the heats or finals i donno wat is it
but4x400 boys, they got second
4x400 girls, we got second too (:
lolx funny
we stayed all the way till like 7 jus to run 400m
and by the time we start, warming up was like an hr ago
was totally cold la.. hands numb and everything
quite amazed that we can get like second
lazy blog cya
9:39 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[moni] moni the long xia is cute!! kawaii ne!! (:
[ivan] i dye my hair myself one ok.. pro anot (: and thanks for the present
[eunice] lolx nvm..hope to see u soon then =/
[cafy] nyehh =/ lolx i oso donno.. ask them lor
[ersy] im so honoured!! or is it that u don wan to attend that lecture.. haha.. its okay i still love u!!
[yy] nyahh! <3 arigatou!! jie who is younger than me! haha (:
[soap] thankyou (: jus like u right..
[cheryl] thankyou thankyou thankyou (:
woots i love 27/o8 (:
i love my dear ex-crescentians
i love all those who wished me happy birthday
i love everyone (:
lolx yy was the first to sms.. (:
then followed by alot of ppl who i shant name in case i leave anyone out
but they know who they are (:
shuqiao gave me the present on the train..
after throwing ur jacket on my jacket on my hand
so my hands were full and i couldnt take it
lol funny lor
then when i reached sch
the crescentians gathered at foyer
and before we went up to hall, they sang happy birthday song!
the crescent style!! <3
attracted alot of attention but they don care! (:
haha then up to hall for polling
obviously i voted for the crescentians
and those whom i have a good impression of
then.. lessons
after econs kerby say got announcement to make so gather at ohana
and i heard some ppl say wat nyaa stuff
then jus gather la
quite stupid.. jus stay down there for donno how long
and suddenly they jus sang the birthday song
and come out with the cake
lolx quite funny la and everything jus made sense all of a sudden
then yah blew the candle and gave the class the cake
class gave this orange plastic bag from world of sports with the orange wrapper
and kerby specially say its not from world of sports
jus that they finding orange bag
i will put the pic up.. don be shock of wats in the wrapper =/
kenneth and zhijian gave this paper weight that says fuji mountain
made from japan! super cool
and saved a piece of the cake for mr chu coz hes the tutor for our next lesson
but he still say we waste his time, he will waste ours later =/
then rush rush rush i almost forgot the presents =/
sorry la!
totally didnt expect the class to celebrate coz its only..
near a month that i've known them..
but thankyou 27/o8 <3
oh they said the present was wrapped by a guy
which actually amazed me a little Oo
then lessons all the way
sian diao had to do gp article then end up meet ivan at wat 5+
iris and him gave this mug
that can write on with chalk
cool right
but the chalk can come off easily
it says xiao rong bao =/
then i don remember wat else liao
ate pizza hut which i decided that
i don wan to touch fast foods like macs kfc pizza hut ever again
went church today! like finally
suppose to be bible studies but doreen jus shared abit of the bible
coz we cant seem to find a fix time to commit ourselves to it
so she say don get the books yet
then me and ka went vivo
we walked through the whole harbourfront and vivo
then finally settled at superdog
yea its a fast food from america but i find it better than macs seriously
and jieen treated ka to her ben and jerry's like finally
thats about it and i will put up the photos some day
like some day
Swift Taylor - Teardrops on my guitar Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so funny That I can't even see anyone when he's with me He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right, I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night [chorus]He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly, The kind of flawless I wish I could be She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause[chorus] So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light I'll put his picture down and maybe Get some sleep tonight He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do He's the time taken up, but there's never enough And he's all that I need to fall into.. Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
6:22 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ersy] heh but isnt it weird to do so..though i really wanted to jus take out the stupid phone ): and yep we went funorama
[jenny] since when did u start to call me xiaorongbao one
[eyc] coz ur cam lousy! (:
[eunice] i oso nvr see u lor.. u say ur stall near the dunking machine issit..went there but nvr see u
[hor] yah yah yah :p u not innocent not naive always don need help la okay =/
[yy] dear why u ask me. ask the person who call me that lor =/ and thanks for visiting (:
[ivan] go and die =/
happy april fool
not like there were many pp fooling around
but yah (:
and as usual some ppl [jasmine and joerh]
tot i dye my hair
maybe coz its april fool so they don believe me
so yep i dyed my hair myself (:
colour so nice right? :D
and they shall see the same colour for the next 1 and a half year (:
i desperately need
- to thin my hair like crazy and cut my fringe
when was the last time i went to a salon..?
err since dec i think -.-
- get a jacket!
- find a bag if possible that can carry heavier stuff
- get my sleep back
8:29 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*