[horace] hmm. u wan me help u put makeup? haha (:
[iris] its harmless but quite scary at the start! i have problem removing my right eye contacts. haha
[ivan] thats why its.. super
[yc] nyahh
bet the whole world will talk about grad night.
and so am i!!
made the houses at yc house
but abit wasted. shldnt have brought it along
and everyone look so pretty!!
jieen and soap too!!
yes soap u are pretty yes u are
hahaha (:
i think its quite funny la
half the time the table is empty
nearer to the end of grad night
like everyone disappeared to take photos
so our food oso.. yah not really eaten
[no one ate the desert i suppose]
so alot food wasted :D
then the lady seem abit irritated
ok i oso donno wat to say.
tml sch at 9
i love crescent
i love the people
i love 4g1'07
every single one of them
i love ug
i love the guides
if there was a time machine
where i could go back to the time
when i was choosing the secondary school
i will still choose crescent
provided that all the people remain the same!
even though we complain alot
rant alot
study like crap for prelim and Os
but still don feel like we are studying alot
totally get so sick that we couldnt take it anymore
we still had fun didnt we?
inbetween all these
bits and piece
erm but it jus feel so weird that
all of a sudden.
its over.
goodbye for now

12:44 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
for more information about wat happened today,
please visit yeechern's blog.
and mission accomplished?
got xinyi her dress (:
and got yeechern necklace
got my shoes
got some basic makeup
and got grad night present for ppl
coz i kena super glue on my hands -.-
and yeechern will be contributing too nyahh~
tml go yeechern house
do the present
then her dad give me a lift there too!!
arigatou yeechern and yeechern's otou-san!!
but i shall make my mom fetch me after grad night
seriously. grad night is so troublesome!!
i have no freaking idea of wat to bring to yeechern house
like.. there are so many parts to it
i only know.. grad night present. yep
unlucky. shit
11:24 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
listen to the song!!
it has wat we always do!!
lolx went out today again
didnt get anything
but yeechern got her dress!
yay (:
tml go out again.
haha =/
saw sushi tei today
and nekuin
and jieling
and shuyi
my tagboard is screwed la
i cannot see the black and white
i see all black
highlight it then can see the word =/
got contacts
totally love it
can see everything
not limited to spec
everything within my open eye~
but i still not used to it (:
9:01 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
ok im bored. when im not done with studying
sorry ah anyhow do. base on my memory
which is extrememly.. bad (:
Answer the following questions:
1. The person who tag you is:
ivanhohyouyuan tangyuan gaygor2. Your relationship with her/him is:
classmate for 4 yrs,UG,fren bestfren nyahh?-
jie la then -.- classmate fren-
fren maple o2jam 3. Your 5 impressions of her/him:
sweet funny fierce scary. too caring-
sweet nice fun-
tangyuan nice to eat lor LOL nice to bully and always bully me. demon devil evil4. Most memorable thing she/he has done for you:
always there,nagging,scolding (:-
heh that present (:-
bully me la then5. Most memorable words she/he had said to you:
stop nyahhing-
consider that kind of operation-
nyahh =/
6. If she/he becomes your lover, you will:
thats kinda scary :D-
she my jie leh..-
ask him go die first
7. If she/he becomes your lover, she/he will have to improve on:
no one is perfect? improve still will have flaws, so improve for wat. stay as they are nyahh (:8. If she/he becomes your energy, the reason will be:
going siao all of a sudden :p-
being able to steal her stuff :D-
nice to bully9. Most desired thing you want to do for her/him:
NYAHH(s)! haha. hug them(the first two) and say thankyou (:-
bully him kill him watever (:
10. Your overall impression of her/him:
the best people i can find, ones that i wont forget(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:Pass this quiz to 10 people you wish to know how they feel about you:
(some don even have blog but watever (: )
1. tyy
2. moni
3. soap
4. nekuinsaur [nvr spell wrong le ba!!]
5. eunicejie
6. shou-chan
7. iris
8. ivan
9. xavier
10. kido
[i hereby state that my compre fail and i don wan change it! (: ]
1. Who is 6 having a relationship with: erm.. tys (: no! ao-chan! heh
2. Is 9 a female or a male: male
3. If 7&10 are together, will it be a good thing: erm. scary. iris is fierce!
4. What is 2 studying about: now? physic?
5. When was the last time you had a chat with 3: erm. on her tagboard i donno when
6. What kind of music band does 8 likes: eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. i know theres kazuko - rettou hoshi, gazette? erm caramel drops. erm aiya their own jamming (:
7. Does 1 has any siblings: nope!
8. Would you woo 3: heh no?
9. How about 7: NO! haha don be sad, frens forever, i don wan les (:
10. Is 4 single: i guess?
11. What is the surname of 5: tan
12. What is the name of 10: kido? george W bush. don ask me who gave that name
13. What's the hobby of 4: fighting with muu-chan, bursting into flame, sound like a cat
14. Do 5 and 9 get along well: they donno each other bah
15. Where is 2 studying at: cgs
16. Where is 9 staying now: yishun bah
17. What colour does 4 likes: akin! answer urself (:
18. Are 5 and 1 best friends: yep! tyy is eunice mei too
19. Does 7 likes 2: i donno? go ask them
20. Does 1 have any pets at home: last time. alot. haha!
joke of the day
A : wat time end?
B : 2
*minutes later
A : [something i forgot]
B : oh we end at 4 leh
A : how much u buy
B : at far east
A : where is 9 staying
B : not even studying
1:50 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*

there. the bag
for grad night
ok bah..? =/
yc got the same one (:
and i might be getting another pair of shoes
my mom said it looks old
like for her age ppl to wear one

my 'window' (:

gor psp
i realise that psp is not an item i wan
even if i got psp
no games that i play
hana yori dango 2
just super
sweet and
100% insane!
12:09 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
abt the boy or girl thingy
im jus ranting nyahh
and jie i wont consider those operations (:
piercings.. more on ear
and ankle is kinda nice
or maybe a tattoo on ankle
tattoo a star on face! tsubasa senpai!
bought bag and shoes today
match with yc
yc had a hard time hunting for the dress
and now shes kinda complaining a little about it
she has a fat butt? wth la -.-
obviously no -.-
first time buy this kind of bag
and my sis say it looks ok
[at least she nvr say its ugly]
but she ask why pink =/
its jus a bit of pink nyahh
the shoe
i scared not suitable leh
don really like the bottom
whole thing connected
with the heel
i donno if anyone understand
but it looks ok from the top
and i donno how to walk with heels (:
i like that earring
9:46 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
wats so good abt being a girl?
go toilets in shopping centre
can queue all the way until.. -.-
grad night need go through so much trouble
my gor jus wore a shirt and jeans thats it!
my ear seem to be bitten by something
a patch of red over there since morning
but not ichy not pain or anything
except for
im sorry
im so lousy
theres nothing
else i
can say
i drag people into troublesome things
without knowing
thats the
wat gives u the right to talk to me
like u knew everything
ms 'know-it-all'
jus because u are older than me by wat 4 years?
talking like that only make u seem more like
wan do some airbrush with gor
if thats how it is spelt as
temp tattoo..
but i wan a permanent one
not those huge kinds but yah
and i wan more piercings
and i wan electric guitar
10:33 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
nyahh 2 more papers
and i totally will slack like crazy
still donno wat to give as farewell gift
baka yeechern!!
3:33 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
o-kay. lost the job again!!
erm not like it has been mine in the first place
heh!! stupid la jie why nvr ask me before that..
so.. im gonna slack through the holidays
and.. i no money
how to slack
wth! =/
so conclusion having stm is not bad
i step out of the hall and don remember a thing about those papers =/
[ersy] my pet got walk fast meh..
[yeechern] 稀客 稀客!! haha. but the bg of my pet.. the colour changes.. go study.. nyehh =/
[eunicetan] i bet everyone became zookeeper =/
[moni] moni isnt any better at weird sounds (: and u are not gonna get paid~ haha
[iris] wat was that love something something. wats that Oo and why is the panda made of playdough.. -.-
honey: oh well, the white team will win anyway [flowers]
mori: no, the red team will win
honey: wanna bet? i want cakes for 3 months [flowers]
mori: chick food for 3 months
hikaru & kaoru : long time no see since 1 hour ago!! [hugs]
from ouran which i read like on sat. lolx
got w910i
ok la.. jus that its red
the earphones are red
and i used a red handphone strap
thought about it that day till i couldnt sleep
no idea why it jus kept coming back
round and round
more qn afterall
but jus
no answers at all
i jus wan to drop dead
12:51 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
tsubasa 16 was traumatizing
i am so going to hate the story line! arhh
8:09 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*