2 for phy
2 for geog
2 for combine humans
the rest all the same?
cept chi
tell me if i shld be happy or not?
did improve but not good enough
but due to the highly moderated results
my l1r5 went down by 4
a and emaths totally added 10 marks each
but still
i cant go anywhr
and not like o lvl will be moderated
ahh face the fact i seriously cant aim for nj
and now im like.. even if can get into nj is on the dot
will seriously be struggling la
jus do watever i can
i promise to do my best
11:05 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ersy] 5 bah..
不喜欢 是否等于恨?
不讨厌 是否等于爱?
不对 就代表错?
不错 就代表对?
会有灰色地带tell me how can i survive o level
flunk like crap
6:41 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ersy] i wan miss chua for amaths but sad =/ actually i don really mind being under mr lee.. hes a joker but he makes amaths sounds so easy that i cant stand it =/ he explain i understand and its like..omg so easy? then do myself..yay i donno how to do. lolx
[yy] sorry but i 100% wan pon all the lessons if im under mrs gek.. she chiong so fast until i don wan listen =/ ask if can go for consultation from other teachers lolx.. and i flunk everything not only e or amaths
[soap] yep it is competitive.. lets all aim for nj.. edlyn and yeechern too.. but me and yeechern shall try to meet u after 1 month coz prelim totally cannot make it :D
[moni] u this 稀客.. lolx jiayou as well!! but i don wan to believe, though i will try to succeed. for me.. theres no use in believing, i will jus do my best. wan me recite the guides promise? :D mr lee is totally a joker :D but i oso don wan a rose garden? it has the looks but inside there are thorns =/
wound heals
the skin grows and covers the wound
but it also forms a scar
not matter what u use to hide it
its a scar that can never be removed
marking the existence of this particular wound
11:38 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
Dear 4G1,
I have uploaded the worked solutions for the 2007 Dunman Sec papers. Please check the solutions AFTER you have completed the papers! (No peeping, Big Brother is watching!)
Please complete the 2006 Nov papers by this weekend. (Stop complaining and get to work, I never promise you a rose garden, did I?)
Coming to your screen real soon : 2007 BPGHS Prelim papers
Be Prepared! (This msg is for ALL of you, not just the Guides.)
thats by mr lee
eh mr lee.. not funny really not funny
i read and said wth =/
and he knows the guides motto!! LOL
thats nice =/
i jus wan to complain
when will i stop doing emaths and start doing other subjects
i totally flunk my prelims please
im under ms chua for emaths! whoo
nvr got taught by her for emaths before (:
screwed chem
when everyone else did so much better
i wan to do that
sorry have been quoting quite alot of stuff these few days :D
5:55 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
today huh
slack alot
and my aim is back to njc
boarding school coming up in 2009
i wan =/
with my prelims result
totally cmi
lets ping for o level (:
-im saving my loving for someone who's loving me
3:09 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i do not know what will happen in future, at least right now, i can say in confidence, no matter how slowly u speak i will listen with patience, if we are unable to chat on the phone, i will be here to see you, neither of us is a dolphin, no matter how slowly u walk i will keep u company, i may not be a reliable support right now, but one of these days i will be of help, we not be able to return to the past, but what matters is the affinity we share, we will lead a blissful life, because... i realized i have... i have fallen for you.
haruto and aya!!
super sweet
million thanks to someone :D
11:54 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[iris] okie dokie! and u fierce la
hohoho im totally BROKE
10:25 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[iris] yays. its nice i don mind being the devil =/
[ersy] whees moon. the moon is going to be super round ten days later (:
[yy] updated =/
spoilt my mood for the rest of the day
thanks alot please
i know my temper is bad
im sorry for that
but i don think it will change anytime soon
9:09 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*

You are The Devil
Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession
The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.
Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
7:36 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
remember this day?
pray for them
eileen and adilah so funny can
morning at 9.20 around there
they came strolling into class
and the 4 of us totally stared at them
edlyn asked why are they here
and eileen gave a weird look saying chem prac? 9.30?
and the next moment the two of them chiong out of class
their shift is 9.30 but they need report at 9.15
but they not late for exam la so nvm
they so funny!
flunk ah flunk
totally flunk chem prac
wait from 7 to 11 +
jus for a 1 and a half hr paper
in the end still hopeless
left blanks can?
for the first time
no time finish la wth
and i have the ans right in front of me
i stupidly stare at the paper donno how to do
wat rubbish
and i wait until clear up table
then realise that test tube solution got colour
and i forgot to say
miss chua came back miss chua came back miss chua came back!!
saw her yesterday before amaths
was totally staring at her
like.. am i imagining things?
lolx nope its really her.. (:
3:28 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
[ersy] u type ur name wrongly. lolx. its Mao from SID!!!
[soap] i don even care if mao ze dong is gay.. im not a history student (: he can go deal with his politics all he wan?
[ivan] sorry but I TOTALLY OBJECT AND 200% AGAINST IT!!!
[iris] yah i pity u.. its ok.. life goes on.. =/
nice number today
2007 0809
back from camp
donno wat to say
qiwei is totally so organized?
she say 3 must study, 3 sure go study
we all end up studying after roaming around
then the other group came
and yay all study
those sec 4 fire ppl totally helped them throughout
the sec 3s didnt even have any practices for fire..
sad la
campfire was ok?
except that the sec 4s seem to be
high-ing by ourselves over there
quite fun
we ended up with our own manito system among the sec 4
i so love going back as a sec 4
camp rules all gone
shirt oso don need tuck in
can do watever we wan?
delia so funny
then ms azlin oso super nice?
anyway everyone stay up to study
i slept for 2 plus hrs i think?
chuting totally nvr sleep
pro la
quite nice
but i feel like sleeping now
3:51 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
left my blog to rot for quite long liao
lazy to update la
watched ratatouille and took neoprint with a whole bunch of ppl (:
super fun
going camp today tml come back
lolx actually only going for campfire then stay for the rest of the camp
they only have 3 day 2 night camp
sad la
my bag is fat
and i have nothing else to say
byebye (:
to that person
please don hijack my blog
until i find a pass to change
and stop gaying with mao la!!!
11:34 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
lazy to update la
tml watching movie
currently doing amaths
and from wat i see
i cannot finish by tml? =/
still say wan finish all papers
go and die la -.-
5:27 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*