sad la
they say wanna take photo [i mean 2c2'05 ug (:]
last time we all wearing full u together
but in the end no time
I LOVE ALL UG MEMBERS :D [all uniformed groups]
but seriously im sad to say that im sick of thisseriouslySICKjuniors are like i don wanna saywth in senang diri positionmove here move thereturn around talkWTH U ARE A TOTAL DISGRACE PLEASEyes im pin pointing at SOMEONEwhen everyone is standing stilljus one little movement is so freaking obviousyet she jus move here move therelike we all blind la?we cant see a thing?ok i lax abit liaobut after our chem labwe going up classfreakshe change her shoes and jus walk around like ttfull u with sports shoesdo u even have a little respect for guides?ok fine maybe ure going to the toilet to changebut how about change ur uniform before the shoewat will others think when u are seen walking aroundwith full u but sports shoebut i seriously cant stand her attitudenot happy jus quit pleasenoone wans someone like that to stayu are jus redundant if this goes onsad mrs lee didnt let us off before her speech =/
she almost made us stand until the sch finish the silent reading -.-
sec 3 got the total defence bronze badge
don like =/
and sec 2s got even more badges than us
we did so many things
but now dear ms azlin need to check everything again
say yay man..
but anyway
happy valentines day
happy ug day
happy chinese new year
happy common test days
happy days (:
8:51 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
sad its common test
so guides didnt sell balloons ):
got lots of chocolates?
lots of flowers?
too bad then coz we got alot (:
reach sch that time see all tables got chocolates and stuff
but sad i reach late then had to rush out.. didnt even know who gave wat
edlyn gave ferrero rocher,yeechern gave this donno wat sweet =p
elleen gave this yupi sweet,ka gave a few different mixture
moni gave red rose,cheryl gave some chocolates
a get fat day in another words?
but who will get fat with jus these? lolx
thamjieen got ego all over again
me and ka went to disturb her while she was doing chem
[siao so hard working]
then she started her ego thing
like wat 'i know u an lian me.. i know'
go and die
and moni decided not to give her the red rose instead
she got the purple one
and for the first time i gave alot of ppl alot of presents
ug got rose and that softtoy like thing
and i jus realise yy got rose softtoy and chocolate
then gave chocolate to almost every i can think of
qiwei got softtoy
it means anti ego tham jie en fanclub
5:13 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
cross country!!! i see them run i oso feel like running..
though we didnt run, after the whole thing
so super tired =/
bronte won champ for banner but not overall BECOZ
donno which stupid lvl not enough ppl for competitive running
stupid la get disqualified like tt
no points at all how to win =/
fry won overall.. not bad (:
:D im proud of myself
qiwei was super moody in sch coz the number of ppl who came is like so little
but i gave the carrot in the bus
got bear dog and carrot to choose.. but i gave carrot
coz i know she will torture the animals
and she was like 'eh how u know!?'
lolx hey im not such a bad fren ok..
though i know im not that observant actually
i think this brought up her mood quite alot :D
she didnt really scold anyone or get angry with little things
partly becoz there isnt really anything to be angry abt
but even when the sec 2 and 3 didnt take initiative to help us
she didnt really get angry
she jus ask them to help
thus im so proud of myself!! :D
and edlyn hugged and kissed me when i gave her the doggy
aww so sweet :D
but she was full of yellow and white paint
so i kissed her hand, the only clean part instead!!
lolx and cynthia was extra
coz i didnt give her.. so she went
'nvm i shall hug u instead'
and she didnt wan to let go =/
and our very pro bus came an hour late
totally sit there and rot plus a sec 3 fainted
semi conscious but cant even stand properly
ka say this is the third time she faint during guides
first time was during thinking day rehersal
and she said she didnt eat lunch
but this time she ate =/
tml common test
gonna die
english don have summary
100% FAIL
chinese full paper 1.. -.-
ss seq OMG
siao la
but im going queensway shopping centre for my shoe and fbt
if i can get any
that brought up the spirit a little :D
say yay
3:55 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
hope everyone have fun running tml becoz we student helpers do not need to run (:
and its half guide u.. yayness ((:
plus i finally bought the presents
im so glad that they don have price tag on them
coz i will have so much fun taking it off theres like 10 of them =/

they are cute.. especially the strawberry and carrot
so fat (:
i was bring such a guai kid today
that i swept the floor though its not my duty (:
and i swept till my index finger skin came off
didnt even realise till it hurts
coz the broom too short and i have to hold the edge of the broom
for once i say im tall (:
moni the first aider help me put one a plaster!

and we got a peacock feather
by mrs lee
so thats whr all the sec 4s last time get the peacock feather
she give all sec 4 classes
yupp and obviously abt results
when on earth has the sch cared even a little abt us
its all about their reputation
and their reputation
i had to cut my feather coz someone broke it
but its better coz i wont look like some siao person
walking down the streets holding up super long feather
like tangyanyue (:
and they say the whole thing is from the peacock
which includes that 'stem' like thingy
i was shocked
are they serious?
coz its so disgusting
i know its not plucked off them
but it feels weird
so disgusting!!
and the feather smell of bird =/
8:45 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
very long post =p
my handwritting is horrible..
'n','v','r' are not visible when im doing maths
my n become r
and v and r look exactly the same =/

meet my new fren strawberry flavor lip balm with spf 15 and
mentholatum wth is this?
its coz i lost my old fren the blue colour apple flavor one :D
and starwberry was cheaper
jus don understand why ppl like to choose white on black
i mean the fonts
its jus too striking
mines white on grey still not so bad i guess
but white on black give lines in ur eyes after reading

aaron is jus cute
and jiro is abit like act cool kind..
cant blame him, he was once a model
shld be quite proud of that himself huh?

<33!! the main point of the magazine :D

K One
darren is a online gamer too :D
and that kido.. extra person
everyone's hair was like brown near black
he go dye his orangey gold
ugly can!!
dye back dye back!! ):
jingwen the crazy girl started asking ppl abt their bro
she asked me if my bro and hot
hes tall [considering the fact that im short]
hes skinny like bamboo
hes naturally smart
but hot? no way
then she asked eunice abt her bro oso
but she was at the other end of the table so i didnt bother listen
crazy girl =/

with more rubbish in my notebook
by adelicia chua
and lots of pencil markings done by yanyue
i seriously cant wait for my 5300
camera and music are my life can
[when i actually said i don bother abt camera last time]
2 months more or else i will use my own money
i can say i save money one ok.. :D
and i totally forgot abt this
soap must get 10 a1s for Os :D
u can do it

i jus love common test
isnt the orange great? :D
im abit sian with every single thing
im sick of festivals
becoz they are
千篇一律f-o-r-e-v-e-r the same
and paritally coz i hate the crowd
my mom pull me to this shop
i see so many ppl
wah i don wan buy can..
i don see the point of squeezing with other ppl
right im simply ultra anti social
to strangers
but a siao person with ppl i know
huge contrast
let us have fun
taking common test on valentines day
and studying for common test
during cross country
during new year celebration
120207 - chinese and emaths test
130207 - cross country [how great that we don need to run]
140207 - common test
150207 - in-school cny celebration?
no bad
and im seriously not going back to jps
rubbish system
write ur name down the paper
u only can stay around these areas to find ur teachers
so as to not disturb our students
cant take it
should i or should i not do iti fantasize on some things that will never belong to methats the point of fantasizing in the first place actuallybut i got so used to it that i wan to continue fantasizing about thisyeti don wish to continue fantasizingi wish to break throughwat will actually happena dream come through, a dream fallingor continue fantasizingSO SORRY THIS DON MAKE SENSE AT ALL(:
10:37 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
arh cant stand myself
after so long still not used to it?
i go mlg
i click on 'sec 3'
someone save me..
i wan seniors back!!
i wanna go out
[i need go imm return umbrella and buy val day present
i wan go jurong east entertainment centre for that bleach figuring]
and i wanna go anywhr
but not stay at home
especially during weekends
i rather spend my day rotting in library
standing in the sun asking for donations
or even better, go school
:D very attached to the school somehow
not i like it in anyway
the way things work there
but i kinda love the buildings
sec 1: i wanna go home.. why everyday stay until so late
sec 4: can we stay in school.. don wan go home so early
LOL something said by mrs wong
but i paraphrase la
forgot exactly wat she said
this post is totally jumbled up (:
with something hidden somewhr i donno whr
9:03 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
o levels result
woo deborah ma'am got 7 a1
three cheers for ah gong (:
i had emaths and chem today
didnt get to see even one of the ma'am
wonder how they did..
farhani and ashwaria got b3
for their mt
and that tang yanyue choose to not come today
our class all hcl ppl got a1
for normal chi la..
good job
cept yanyue and jiaying who didnt come
did u regret not taking higher chi?
sad to say its a yes and no
yes for the fact that my eng is like ****
no for the stress we will get =/
i seriously cant imagine this day
next yr
when we take our result
i was so super scared today
though its not even me whos taking the results -.-
and its totally unfair that
our o level is pushed forward
but we still have first 3 months
plus we are the first tablet batch
plus last yr sec 4 did freaking well for this o level
plus the top scorer through sg is from our sch [heard from ppl]
like WTH
siao ah
can anyone imagine how much stress we will get?
they did so well
we will be expected to do the same
or even better
add in the tablet
the sch will never allow us to do badly
or it will prove that the tablet is a failure..
why us..
jus why us?
8:08 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super
bad day
like wow please
early in the morning yeechern and i got caught for long nails
and had to cut our nails on the spot
worst of all, its for ABSOLUTLY NOTHING
becoz the councillors spot check the wrong class
we found out later that classes get spot check ONCE A YEAR
this is the sec time
but i only blame them for spot checking the wrong class
the clipping nails on the spot is by mdm lim =/
then pe
we had to run like wat 3 rounds of cannal
after so long of not running
wan us run 3 rounds
i ended up finishing in like wat 23 mins
and its donno how much more than 2.4km only
i can jus die for 2.4 liao
that yeechern only ran 2 rounds!!
iylia couldnt run after one run
considering the fact that shes always the one leading
runs in our class..
this is bad
and yeechern couldnt run coz of i donno wat
then amaths is like %^%(*&^)(
err i managed to finish all qns
*for the first time wow
but ans abit funny!!
gonna die!!
and footdrills
we are doing right in front of all levels
and i don think we did a good job
ms lin sort of reprimand us abit
and the sec 4s look totally slack
im already not happy about that
and then everyone jus kept asking me for the guide den key
i have told them like a thousand and one times
that i no longer hold the guide den key!!
and im sorry to say that
i think the campfire banner is a failurebut i know they put in the effort
i wasnt there last time when they did the banner
now i see it.. its like.. -.-
totally not interested in the campfire anymore
one incident to spoil my whole day mood..
thanks alot yah
7:44 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
wats the problem..
i got a big fat problem with sch work
wth wth wth
my 'study' and 'revise' for test
is simply reading the textbooks
and for languages.. is totally do nothing
so.. i jus don understand
why my chinese can score
i jus don see why my compo and considered good
when i think that isnt mine almost the same as other ppl?
yet i get higher
and jus got back physic test
not a bad result
coz i tot i will totally fail it
but i don even know why i pass
i tot my ans don really ans the qn
yet its correct
and yup
other subjects are like
roller coaster
but it doesnt go very high either
i got problem finding out why i cant score in some subs
and problem finding out why i scored in some subs
how pro can i get
tml amaths test
wat will happen..
and OH
ss test rocks like woo
i got 2/13
ms malini say everyone range from 2-5
cept nat coz she got like wat 10
crazy girl.. lolx
thus i scored lowest in class
i never expect to pass a single combine humans test
but actually i pass the first lit test
ss rocks~
coz i don intend to use it in l1r5 :D
we love mugs
8:20 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
can jus scream the hell off
i jus love the mediator
a mistake made by suze brought the real life jesse
from 150 yrs ago back to present
a little thing her dad did, jus to tell jesse to go to the hospital
brought jesse back to life
jus by touching his body
the best part is that jesse believe suze at the barn
he didnt even know her
didnt even know a thing about the future
but he believed her
this is jus sweet
jesse and suze were both mediators in the end
her dad rocks too
stayed for like ten yrs jus so that jesse and suze will be together
actually more like for suze
its jus a wonder about wat ghost can do
like hear mediators calling for them
when all suze did was think about them
ahh sweet
8:38 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
yay finally new guide t
donno how it look like anyway (:
and we played a super fun game
during cme lesson
its to blow up a balloon..
use this long satay stick
to poke through
through the whole balloon
from whr u tie it , to the other end
ya.. ya..
lolx i don even dare to touch the balloon
so yanyue practically did the whole thing herself
but i blew the balloon (:
we drew on the balloon
but sad our balloon hole abit too big
awhile later no more air
and ms ong actually allowed us to use our phone to take photos~
quite rare huh
and the words on the balloons are super cute
when its flat
shall get the pic from them next time
P.S try this at home
its safe ok.. as long as u don burst it :D
finally realise
no more go-home-early-day
the most early our lesson end is like 2+
and after that 100% got extra lessons, mastery or remedial
but not bad la
i prefer staying in the sch
excluding the 'cannot eat in class or whole class demerit' thingy
rules are getting worst
imagine this
primary sch fren
saw his blog through some i oso donno from whr
realise we both love bleach
love hitsugaya
love maple
how interesting
wonder if i shld learn how to play dota
its fun yet confusing =/
NYAA!! here we are :D
8:05 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
ok jus something funny
miss ong was talking about how
she and her bro were named
and she was named after some singers
and danielong yah that perfect 10 dj
was named after a shoe called danny
=/ how fun to be named after a shoe
and yah
practically wasted a day
i saw her blog
yah its a bad thing
i realise how similar are we
which i totally do-not-like-it-at-all
i jus don like to be the same as others
not that i like to be special or wan attention
please.. not like i care abt those at all?
i jus don like to be the same as others
i wonder why too..
thats jus me
10:18 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*

wah wasted 3 bucks on a stupid renji
wth can
got 6 of the figurings
ichigo rukia renji hitsugaya [iforgotwho] and that new girl
whos coming out in movie
they are ALL so super cute except 1
but so zhun me and yeechern get the stupid renji
ugly like @#$%^&*()
and i don like neos
played at ivory heights
opposite yeechern and my nusery
swing playground see saw
i jus love the swing
i feel like a kid again
but not and never will i be
how i wish one can never grow up
life can never be the same
jus drop dead and die
she said shes happyyet shes crying with something brokenwill someone please tell me.
is the world
cold ..freezing..
its so freaking cold..
enough to make me cry
its not where i am able to survive
its neither where i want to be
11:03 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
its flag day tml!!
i so prefer flag day to peace haven
totally doing nothing at peace haven
flag day for cash is so more practical
more like i don really like interaction with others =/
and must every book end with jesse kissing suze?
but its jus so sweet :D
and yeechern say that she love jesse too!!
ahh!! :D
such a popular guy even though he is non existing
and true
hes silly
but cute
and yayness
that guy who practically squeeze me to a corner that day
which is actually yesterday
made a blue black on my arm
coz right beside me was the horizontal pole
wow another blue black
but its neither blue nor black
green and yellow
wonderful colours my body and come up with
who knows wat i want?
9:13 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
happy feb =/
i finally realise
my ear really got problem
i know those tests and stuff are for that
but i jus cant tell exactly wat is wrong
they jus say high frequency loss high frequency loss..
but that day gen played this thing
they everyone can hear it
but i heard nothing
well.. so thats the difference huh..
they said its a buzzing sound thats irritating
ha! then shldnt it be good that my ear got problem and cant hear it? Oo
yah and i despise fat ppl
im sorry to say that
but only some
being fat don give u the right to
step on ppl's foot
kick their shoe
and bump into them as and when u like it
and it doesnt give u the right to keep squeezing others
to a corner until they don even have place to stand
and u jus keep bumping into them!!
im so freaking irritated please
well, hes beside me
though after i move front abit
he keep bumping into my bag!!
how irritating
never wanna take a bus at 6pm
9:02 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*