im so sorry to be repeating myself
but i so love jesse!!
not about the fact that hes a ghost
he is so super sweet and funny at times
and he kissed suze on the lips
in fact twice
once when she became a ghost herself to find him
the other when she was in her room a few days later
being a human yah
and hes so sweet!!
he was trying to talk seriously to suze
but she didnt wan to talk at all
so it went like..
["Fine," he said. He reached up and cupped my face in both his hands. "We don't have to talk."
And that's when he kissed me.
On the lips.]
they two end up together
and jesse became a human
don ask how
edlyn let the cat out the bag :D
with yanyue yeechern and xinmu almost murdering her :D
i cant wait to read book 6
and the more i read
the more i wanna buy the books :D
<3 !!
and anyone wans to know how my blue black looked like?
i donno how i got it
at the edge of my wrist
it was like greenish with purple dots in the morning
then for the whole day
not really
awhile only
i keep rubbing it
and it transformed!!
to that kind of normal brown one
with white in the middle
werid huh
yy say is chicken pox -.-
well.. it look totally abnormal
but its quite cute in a sense
the circle is quite perfect
6:16 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i so love jesse!!
omg he was describe until so
gasp gasp!!
he is suppose to be a hot guy in the book
but he is actually
but since suze can see ghost
she kinda like him i guess?
and he kissed her on her lips at the end of book 4!!!
and the whole class
i mean those who read already
don wan tell me the ending
all gang against me
and i end up shifting all their stuff away (this is usual actually for a person like me (: )
shaking their table
banging the chair in front of their table
and disturbing them from their compo
who ask me write faster than them
and they die oso don wan tell me ending
they jus keep saying its super sweet
and its perfect
first time a book actually attracted me so much
that i read during lessons (:
i wan buy the book
sponsors pls!!
which i think can nvr happen
edlyn bought it ok!!
we all wan this set of books
kya!! omg (:
and omg i actually said a word out loud today by accident =/
8:54 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i so love that guy in
i can say
his tan like <3>
the tone is like so great!!
its not very dark
but its not pale either
its like a bit of tan only..
and its so super even
plus his complexion is
how can anyone be so
ok fine maybe i jus have bad taste
or maybe i jus have different views from others
but omg i love his tan and complexion so much
and maybe becoz of that i think that
the way they made him fight with the supernatural power
jus seem so cool
the extra 'movement of air' around his arm and stuff
his that 'power' jus suit him so much :P
that eldest brother..
that 千里眼 guy
whom i forgot wat hes called
he has nice features
as in 五官
but he jus look too pale
and his role in the show
has some sort of leadership
so far they seem to be the only ones
who made me take a second look at them
the show is kinda crap
but i jus love their 'superpowers'
of coz especially the strong arms (:
but sad is that they make them put up some makeup =/
which is..yah -.-
one of our common test days
happen to fall on
14 feb
which i think is also our x-country day
which is so super great
omg wth
x-country.. make us so tired?
donno before or after test
hope is after
then valentines day
wah everyone wan to at least enjoy for this day pls
*i bought roses for UG (:
orange for all and pink for ka (:
love everywhr and hatred everywhr too
love for valentines day
hatred for common test
not forgetting that
they FORCE us to bring tablet
lucky its jus a emaths paper
which happens to be some ultra easy sums which no one will actually bother studying for
if they actually use tablet for other harder papers
i swear i wan a petition
and i guess im easily amused?
wat kind of __ is this?
it says exercise 1 - 50 is on page 1-100
and wow
they actually have a page to write all the dates and scores
for each and every exercise
its the book i bought by mistake
how fun to discover weird things in this book =/
too much rants
and mediator rocks
i recommand that book
can actually finish 2 book in a day
9:40 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i got the same character as this person
his mom is like..
wan to control his life
like wan him to do things according to her likings
but he didnt wan to
theres one thing which his mom wan him to do
which is to like xiang qing (did i spell correctly?)
he actually like her also
but coz his mom obviously show that
she wan him to like her
he went against it
like show his mom that he don like her
coz he don like his mom controlling him
so xiang qing is like abit poor thing =/
im quite similar..
not about the incident but the character
i jus don like being controlled
even though its something i myself wan to do
i will not if i know my mom wans me to do it as well
its kinda contridicting myself
who made me like that
2:02 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
Kagome KagomeKagome Kagome Kago no naka no Tori waItsu Itsu deyaru? Yoake no ban niTsuru to Kame ga subetta.Ushiro no shoumen dare ?translated:Kagome, Kagome, the bird in the cage,when will you come out?n the evening of the dawn,the crane and turtle slipped.Who stands right behind you now?i only remember the tune of the first 2 linesthe rest forgotits quite a interesting game which kids playthey will hold hands and form a circlewith a choosen 'oni' in the middle with eyes coveredthey will sing the song and when its stopsthe oni has to guess whos behind himif guess correctly, that person has to change place with onii jus like the song (:kagome kagome~The Starfish StoryAs the old man walked the beach at dawn,he notices a bboy ahead of him picking up starfishand flinging them into the sea.Finally catching up with the boy,he asked why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would dieif left until the morning sun."But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish,"said the old man. "How can your effort make any difference?"The boy looked at the starfish in his handand then threw it safely into the waves."It makes a difference to this one," he said.heard the story before but was like the opposite..like the old man was throwing starfish =/Sometimes, the things we do don have to make a difference in millionseven if it makes a difference on one out of the millionsit is a difference madeits not like it is insignificant or somethingit makes a differenceso reach out and make a difference in others!! (:u made my daybut did it spoil urs?maybe it wasnt on purposebut it jus happen that waymy healing power!! LOL
12:03 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i actually forgot wat i wanted to say (:
actually found chem mastery interesting
i nvr knew that mole concept was so easy to understand
the rain was so nice today as well
but not as well as yesterday's after our pe
and the pro me
bought 2 close passage assessment
when i wanted 1 close passage and 1 mock paper (:
and shiqi went all the way to popular jus for a 30cm long ruler
we are the pros~
and yy made me addicted to the mediator
i finish book 1
brought book 2 home
but realise i will finish reading by tml
still cant remember wat i wanna say
8:19 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
love mozilla!!!
ie don let me blog
but mozilla let me
got super pissed with ie ok..
today was fun!!
though i cant remember a thing that happened
except pe and chem lab
i love thurs so much
excluding wat happens after sch [guides]
pe was ultra interesting
it has been raining like non stop before our pe
but stop right after warm up
and we got to play football at the wet field
actually the field isnt wet
its jus moist
oop: our field rocks alot
becoz alot of schs softball teams came use our field for competition.
our group has 10 ppl
out of which 6 are not interested
so its acutally a 4 vs 10 game
and that obviously didnt include me
me and yeechern were jus walking around all the time
while the other 4 were 'defending'
and another 4 attacking
plus the ball jus love us
we stand there do nothing it jus come to us
some parts were super funny which i donno how to say
like how yeechern kana kicked though she was doing nothing
how the ball jus flew between her legs
and how i wanted to kick but let the ball go past my leg
lovely game
which earned us 1 point while others get like 3 or 4
and the drizzle after the game was great
a drizzle i nvr felt before
the rain drops were so tiny so soft
and the wind was so cooling yet not to the freezing extend
all those landing on ur face
i jus wanna stay there and not go for chem
but chem was fun!!
jus talk about the end products
we had one clear dark blue solution
one ultra light blue solution with white ppt
(which totally look like snow when it drop down from
the walls of test tube when u turn it round)
one brown solution with grey ppt
and a colourless solution
ok only the light blue solution with white ppt caught our attention
omg it totally look so smooth
i wanna bring it home!!
and i cant stand the ppl who use our table before our lesson
like &*^*(&^&%
they don clean the table
they don clear the sink
wth we cleared it for them
they jus threw their leftover solid in the sink
which will obviously block the whole sink?!
but ours still better than xinyi their row
their sink even rusted
so i shldnt complain that much (:
im so freaking dead for o level chem prac
10:50 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i totally hate blogger like %&^%&*#
give me so many errors
put in pic suddenly disappear
something i guess
i shld be proud of?
lets explore my notebook

the so called yanyue's page
my notebook de coverpage
she wrote so much on this cover..
and the red cross sticker for her flag day
and MAR

a totally 'lovely' page
wasted by this person called jieen
does that even look like my handwriting?
bottom 2 lines by erika
but yep
chen lao shi rocks (:

jap (:
got quite a number more
but i lazy to write in

bookmark from yanyue
she wrote
'akiramasen' don give up
'itsumo ureshi' happy always/forever?
'ore__ishi___su' which how the hell do i know wats that
my jap is like not good at all?
cant even remeber simple words (:
and our great teacher is cynthia~
who always unwillingly fill in the blanks for us (:

lolx the other side of the bookmark
jus some random thing in the tissue packet (:
ultra random post
but i love my notebook
which says 'think out of the box'
i am not smart at all
jus plain stupid
tv says that..
cds cannot be scratched no matter at top or bottom
means neither the shiny not the printed one
coz the printed thing need to reflect the lazer
the shiny contains the info
next time do not scratch cds no matter wat
8:24 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
really really
blogger is screwed
at least for me
there are like wrong stuff in the previous post
but i jus cant change it
no mock today
but got chi compo course
might as well say
writing compo hour
the whole thing she went through..
but kinda useless
and made me even more confuse
anyhow crap out a compo..
wonder if i can even pass
and yays
zhong zheng sec mock paper
i got 39/60
its a B3 ok!!
so much better than our first mock paper
at least encouraged me abit
drinking mushroom soup in sch is funny
coz u get to be called crazy by anyone who knows about it -.-
and we were like deciding on wat to get for the class
jersey as class t or water bottle
i don see the point on it
everyone jus kept insisting on their point of view
might as well
not get anything
and they really cost alot?
im already broke la
wat 50 bucks for class fund
20 for chinese
now another 12.50
and 20 for class fund
wah we open a bank can..
so freaking broke
had like wat 6o cents for lunch?
wat can i eat?
im lazy to continue
6:14 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*

ok im lazy to shift this pic..
that badminton thingy for cca day
cute right!!

and rcy and com club
com club that char look like something right..
yah and im covering the bottom of badminton thing
coz they wrap it up with string and tape -.-
which is ugly (:
have a fun time reading
nothing much but a huge gap
of pix from 010107 to today (:

alot of ppl saw this on 010107
first day of the year
rain rain rain and
2 rainbows appeared
i took like hell lot of pics
40+ =/
but none had the second rainbow in it
too faint
AHHH but i love this pic
so natural
except that i donno wat building at the side

its a plant
thats soil
its a pot

the first time i saw it
was like 'wth is that'
scared me
apparently my dad picked it from the floor
and jus left it there
its a fake btw
i so love the next part..
present for chuting
and don be mistaken
i took the present out to tape it to the base
coz it keep moving about
and i turn the angel to make them face front
but actually
they will face the back when the ferry wheel is turned =/

baby angels
so super super cute
okay i know chuting don come my blog
this thing cost like 20.90
which i tot it was quite reasonable
its so super cute
every alternate angel has a musical instrument
another alternate are angels jus acting cute (:

obviously not to miss out this (:
so super cute
and a star at the forehead

peace on earth and good will to men
if i nvr remember wrongly
and it looks like part of the metal right..
but actually its made of paper
like wow?

how i wish i have a pair
today's telematch
i think our station is quite ok
jus go through the twine spider web
that is rubbed with chilli sauce
and we got to throw water bombs at them
apparently spiders got interested as well
and climb onto me -.-
amanda yeo and vannessa group
they were like asking us
to throw water bombs at them
the other stations are totally horrible terrible vegetables
they don have vege
they have coffee and chocolate powder
they totally mix all those rubbish and
put on them
poor sec 1s
i wonder if that will scare them off
yah and
that group wash themselves with our pail of water
it totally turned colour
thanks ah
i keep scratching my hand that kana chilli sauce..
im not allegic wat..
yah and the rest i don wanna talk abt it
i jus think that its utter failure
but i don have the right to say anything
dont u get it?
wrong person
8:23 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i cant blog at all?
type everything come out
no colour one
then cannot put pics
i cant even see wat im writing
stupid tablet
wat will happen next
10:55 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
half a month gone
without even realising
nothing changed
except that things got worst
its wrong to wan something
but its wrong as well to not wan something
wat do they expect me to do
100% baised
i rather not stay here at all
i don giv a damit simply jus sucks
im a part time pefectionist here
not getting paid yah
jus that..
im a perfectionist if i do things myself
or doing my own stuff
if other ppl doing things
they wan perfect stuff
i will be like 'its ok one lor.. so nice for wat'
even print stuff oso..
omg i cant stand it myself?
i print the chem notes
wasnt paying attention
then the printer got problem
cannot print all double page at one go
then i print page by page
in the end
i printed 2 same page on a paper
super pissed
yah la threw it away
and my worksheets
must not have any folds one
or else i will be making a big fuss over it
even if i staple it
its always 90 degree to the edge of the paper
then turn over
folding the top.. oso 90 degree
these are actually stuff i realise after quite a long time =/
unknowingly did them..
became a habit =/
monday telematch
we super nice ok..
other groups dirty the juniors like siao
wat butter
lick the face
wat sauces all those
we use water
help them clean (:
i wanna take pictures leh
but ka is there
sure don allow me
she might kill me =/
gonna have so much fun(:
why is confession so hard
12:57 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
im so so so amused by magic
that magician is so so so amazing
he can refill an empty can of coke
make the crushed can go back to original shape
use his shadow to shift cards on the floor
[which means he totally didnt touch it]
and get out a card that another person has chosen
he even change a white ping pong ball
into lots of small white paper
the ball one is so touching
i wanna know about how they did it..
5:56 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
telling almost the whole world
rocks!! <3
err actually is for potassium maganate
coz of the decolourising
yeechern and i agreed that its cute
and an extra drop will cause it to turn pinkish
i wanna steal it home =/
i cant stand it..
that freaking o level disability thing
they ask things like
'based on your observation, please provide information
on whether the student benefited from the special arrangements'
i don need to ans that qn coz i don have
those arrangements during normal exams
but the problem is that
they ask until like we wan to have those arrangement?
hello we need it coz we got no choice
its not about the benefit thing
its a need thing
cannot hear our fault meh
i mean cannot hear properly
if can i rather don change seat
its freaking troublesome
and its some amazing
the health centre sent my report to the sch
and i oso donno for wat
wee wees
o level~
oh guides was super fun today
we were suppose to paint banners
for thinking day
and ya there wasnt enough brush
imagine almost all sec 4 guides came
and there was like nothing for me to do
qiwei oso
so we went up to ac
the sec 2 and 3 practicing thinking day performace
luck azlin not there
or else i wont be able to stay
but anyway
i stayed there throughout the whole guide meeting
aircon some more
and our dear qiwei is gonna stand on stage during thinking day
plus gonna march for total defence day
and shes freaking out
and she wanna fall sick on those days
i think of it i wanna laugh
its so funny..
sherylteo said her year that time
after the thinking day thing
she went back to class
and the whole class started singing thinking day song
so funny
nice class of hers
woots mass run tml
im gonna die
run 2 rounds round the sch
i half dead liao
mass run is like 1.2 -.-
8:37 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
orange.. so typical of xiaorong
lolx en said that when she
saw my national symbol info booklet
my pencil case is orange
almost everything i write in my notes
is orange
and emaths powerpack is orange
and i scream at anything thats orange
rocks don i
anyway today's such a long day
yet i don feel tired
i didnt even sleep in class (:
finally got the application
for o level disability
but i don wan sit in front during o level
but i oso don wan to cannot hear when sitting at the back
hope its only for listening
then the rest of the exams don need (:
heh got yeechern pei wo
almost the same conditions (:
and i forgot to say
cannot forgot..
coz my chi deproving like #$%^&*(
i got 69-2 which is 67/100 for compo
37.5/70 for paper 2
jus pass
and i got 7/10 for zhong he tian kong
is my compre that pulled me down..
totally deprove
o level is like so so so soon
i don wanna flunk it
my eng already dead
i don wan chi to die -.-
some more its normal chinese onli!!
and i jus don understand
my compo i don even add in cheng yu or yan yu
but i can get a B? or even A?
how come..
im like writing anything i can think of
but i still can score a bit..
and wats wrong with my compre!!
and adelicia really really can talk alot -.-
she talk non stop during lessons
do alot of siao siao stuff
go home together
she forever got something to say
与他人无关lets jus work hard
i need more assessments
5:34 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
my hair
so super screwed today
my hair really see its mood one lor
today hook until donno like wat at donno whr
and it die oso don wan stay still
i need a haircut
im like so dead
thanks lor
i handed in the endorsement letter
and later realise that
sec 4 dp is mdm lim
isnt she the one who spot check us
then wrote down my name
and i said i got the endorsement?!
crap la
then she will know that i don have endorsement
start of the yr only leh
i don wan demerit
yah and am i the life advertisement for crescent?
from i sec 1 to 3
totally no crescentians live near my area
not even one take the same bus as me
got sec 1
totally take same bus yahh
so cool
cant stand my blouse..
keep coming out today
and im so depressed
i know that a sec 1 guy from my block
is same height as me
am i that short!?
then another guy same block oso
last time around same height one
he seem so so much taller now
im so freaking short
march to april
april i sure wan change phone when gor contract end
something's gonna happen
if nothing goes wrong
and it stays like that from now to april
please (:
5:02 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
normal day =/
wth spot check
kana shocked like hell
coz mdm lim checking
donno my skirt long enough anot
though i think its quite ok..
but i know teachers abit..
siao yah..
don even allow peiting to fold her skirt when
it was like freaking long..
and everyone starting pulling up their socks
unfolding their skirts
tuck in the blouse
alot of actions here and there
but onli spot check our class
and s3 i think
moni case was super funny
her skirt was very very long
but yah cannot fold wat
so she unfolded
and fold in once..
it was totally below knee
and mdm lim came
pull up her blouse
see her folded skirt
see the length of the skirt(totally below knee)
look at moni face
didnt say anything jus go off
laughing non stop can..
and yah -.-
got caught for hair
like again?
but omg i die
i said i got endorsment..
but i didnt say
is last last yr one
2005 =/
coz i onli got caught during sec 1
sec 2 that time i got the endorsment but didnt get caught
so i found it ma fan
and nvr renew it
so now..
mdm lim said she wan to see it next time
how how how
later she tml come find me durin assembly..
then i DIE
yah the hair colour is nice
natural brown
yes nice
but keep getting caught
ma fan can..
and mdm lim is scary =/
gotta type the letter
and that moni got abit siao during lunch
shiqi was on her seat
and i on shiqi's
then moni stood right behind shiqi
and said.. like talk to herself..
stuff like
'i would like to have my seat back'
bla bla..
and wat
'do you like being tickled?'
then she start tickling shiqi
shiqi said i was on her seat
so moni repeat the whole thing standing behind me
omg the whole situation was so funny
which i don think anyone can imagine..
that i cant stop laughing
and we were guai today
we did amaths hw all the way till 3 oclock
to realise that
but i still reached earlier than some ppl =/
guides was totally boring
did heritage badge
and was falling asleep
band over there playing..
that was normal
coz they always practice there
but the freaking construction work was like right beside us
ended up
jus copy and paste the stuff
and show ms azlin
lucky she say ok..
coz i say i still editing the stuff
and she didnt bother reading
yah i was so tired
my brain isnt functioning properly
gave adelicia and shuyi a lift
adelicia say 'wat's ur mom buying'
i heard why is ur mom buying
dinner i mean
and she said 'can i go ur house coz i don have the keys'
i heard her ask me if i can go her house instead
stupid stupid me
i wanna sleep
8:03 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
歌手:卓文宣/曹格 专辑:习惯
梁山伯与茱丽叶词 曲:曹格专辑:习惯我的心唱首歌给你听歌词是如此的甜蜜可是我害羞我没有勇气对你说一句我爱你为什么你还是不言不语难道(是)你不懂我的心不管你用什么方式表明我会对你说我愿意千言万语里只有一句话能表白我的心千言万语里只有一句话就能够让我们相偎相依我爱你你是我的茱丽叶茱丽叶我愿意变成你的粱山伯幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜把爱永远不放开i love you
我爱你你是我的罗密欧罗密欧我愿意变成你的祝英台幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜美丽的爱情祝福着未来为什么你还是不言不语不言不语难道是你不懂我的心不管你用什么方式表明我会对你说我愿意and am i blogging too much?
nothing to do
jus blog =/
10:05 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
if only things are like the way i thought they are..
my wings have now forgotten how to fly
because i always pretended to flap
i wan to wrap up the words and store them forever
2 of them are quotes from somewhr
that anime alot of nice nice quotes =/
if only things are like the way i thought they are..
that kinda of feeling is weird
its embarrassing..
i donno if things are like the way i thought they are..
i don dare to ask
i wan to know yet don wan to know
if things can be understood without words..
new uniforms~
they stink =/
the skirt
i bought it like last yr june =p
didnt wash =/
i tot i cant wear
but now then realise
its too long
totally too long
everyone was like laughing like siao when i wore it =/
don even know how come buy so long
26 inch?
folded like 4 times then ok..
super funny
but i still prefer old uniforms
the faded colour
and the 'softness'
like tt then like sec 4 wat.. =/
new uniform make me look like sec 1
i match the new blouse with old skirt
and the new skirt with old blouse
sometimes my words can be a little mean
not a little.. but very
but sometimes i felt like they deserved it
there are moments when i think i said the wrong things
but the next moment they themselves make me think otherwise
this world is in contrast of itself..
3:34 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
cca day
okay short term memory loss
i forgot everything
it was raining the whole day
so we cant make the gadget
no outdoor cooking too
i totally cant stand the sec 3sor 2si donnobut the juniorswe make the souvenir so super nicei mean the skeletonbut they write the words like crapeither too thick all stick togetheror too lightthen we have to redo them lorthen some of them are like dropping out?goshthe sample given to them was like so super super super niceyet they can make untillike crapeven edlyn say that our souvenir was nicebut make them write until like thatwho on earth can say its nice
sorry i realise that i was being quite mean
thought about it..
yah i appreciate the work..
the time the effort..
yes i do
but i totally love the np, rcy and badminton souvenir
np got this little char wearing np uniform sticked into the icecream stick
they colour until super nice!!
i hope our juniors can look at their juniors
and see the effort put in
pls la
why they can do thing properly but u cant..
i wished the sec 4s have done all the souvenirs..
rcy ones are like stuff for first aid..
like the strecher..
donno how to spell
but that thing they use to carry ppl away if they are unconcious..
then some other stuff i nvr see
then badminton
omg so cute..
a mini racket
cheryl gave me for exchange of our souvenir
i chose a better looking one for her =/
en was super funny
she was standing as the guard at the booth
then we walk past
turn around and saw her
then i burst into laughter and she started smiling
trying not to laugh
smile while guarding huh..
and they don wan give me their souvenir ):
they say its rare
but will keep one for me if theres extra
i'll be glad to have even the leftovers (:
and we have like 4 lists of names
4x30 = 120 names -.-
siao one
jus don understand why guides can be so popular
i hope rcy got quite a number of names too..
moni has been quite sad about it
they always have like single digit names?
last yr was 9
and the rest of the members are like kicked in
no choice kind..
i felt quite sad
coz i can see their effort and stuff
i really felt that they are a super good unit
but somehow others jus don know a thing..
and they said they win competitions and stuff
but cant get recognition from the sch
i don know abt that
but i know that the sch thinks highly of guides
azlin say one..
coz the orientation campfire is always organized by us
and bla bla i oso donno wat
then guides don get the time to promote our cca to the sec 1s
while np they all get to..
donno true anot
but =/
2nd coy is like a few points away from getting gold for PNA
i really hope to get it
coz the past few yr they always get
and wth..
gohqiwei top the sch for chinese last yr
sherylsim said it today
and sherylteo top chi when she was sec 2
why all the cl like..so pro -.-
and my chi seem to deprove
8:08 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
seems to be rushing abit
but hope we are prepared enough tml
for once
i felt like im doing something useful for guides
erm im doing gadgets..
table and tripod..
i think they think i can do gadget
always put me in gadget stuff =/
erm nothing much to say
but im scared if i will screw up anything..
i don need wear guide u tml~
more like we
those doing gadget
cool (:
had another chinese test
right after mock when i haven even get over it
quite ok ba..
but got a word i forgot how to write
and i forgot wat word it is
and we get 15 more mins to finish it on mon
coz today no time
i like the word 'and'
tml's gonna be a long long day
supposed to do some hw
but since mostly hand in on mon
im not interested to do as usual
bringing alot books home tml
all the freaking-me-out homeworks
have i said that
i haven gotten over the fact that
sec 4s are still at the second and third level
jus move down a few lvls
but not at bottom level
do they realise how much time we waste everytime
we go up and down
and do they realise that the sec 1s are
having a too-good a life in crescent?
being at the bottom level when they jus come crescent
hello we suffered for like 3 years at the top level
thinking that it will be just a while more before
we go to the bottom
but now
is jus to get moved down by a level at sec 4
coz of lockers? coz of wireless
every single classroom has all that now
and why are we still not moving
hope sec 1s all get overweight and
let the sch realise that they shld not be at bottom level
im evil =/
but i rants too much (:
hey i wanted to say something but i forgot
the sch height and weight machine is like spoilt?
last last yr
the height got problem
everyone grew shorter
like wow
now the height back to normal
but weight got problem
i weight 2 kg heavier in sch than at home
2 kg
i after meal oso nvr get so heavy before
its called height and weight
not height or weight -.-
and lets all aim for borderline underweight
im jus 2 kg away from it
which is easy to achieve
haa (:
edlyn is crazy..
she hit a 170 and she was like complaining
we wont mind if she can give us some of her height
she wans to be shorter while we wanna be taller
im of same height as moni(:
taller than en ka qiao
shorter than soap obviously =/
8:29 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
die die die die die die die die
yesterday was mock
i felt that it was quite ok
but the compre abit sucky
lao shi marked the mcq
zhong he tian kong total 10 marks..
and she said
程度普通的同学有的七八分still ok..
maybe some ppl think too much get wrong and
she kept looking at me when she say
not bad one get 2 marks
me get 2 marks?
i will die..
i know 100% compre cant pull me up can..
how how how how how
'then' is a boring word thankyou
the changes seen in everyone
seems too big for me to believe
will i be the same next time too?
i guess i might
5:12 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
u shld know me don u..
i jus hate it when u come looking at my work
i dislike the fact of u knowing about my work
i'll simply stop doing every single thing when u come
u shld know
i have no interest to know wat u are doing
and thus don expect u to have any interest to know mine either
jus stop coming and look as if u even care about me..
and don talk as if u even cared once about me before..
11:05 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
we packed the guide den
more like pack the accumulated parts
everything thats on the floor
i got a feeling that one day
everything in the shelf will jus drop out
i practically stuff everything in
bet the next batch of qm will have a hard time
and ms ong is our cme teacher
taught us for pe last yr
but weird
she here for not long onli
she became dm
she's daniel ong that dj from perfect 10 if im not wrong
de sis
he even sponsored for this stall during 50th celebration
cool huh
first lesson
she come checking our attire
and she was checking the shoe colour
then i said
i got pink on my shoe
jus a casual remark
coz i like my shoe de colour combi
and she really turn to me and ask whr
was like wth..
lucky mine is ok..
jus the nike logo pink
lined with purple
then yy was like
'u wan me die issit'
i didnt realise
her shoes even more pink than mine
somemore the linings near the sole all pink
"i like walking in the rain, because when i cry, no one can see my tears."
把眼泪流成一阵雨 能不能够流到你心里
oh i can post chinese words!! next time type in chinese
i myself will die
8:52 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
they are sec 2s
they are sec 3s
we are sec 4s
i still cant get used to it
im like so used to having someone above me
someone telling me wat to do
someone organizing everything
all we do is help
nothing to worry about
nothing to even think about
now its like
we are in charge of things
anything goes wrong
fingers are pointed at us
i jus hate that
not that i rather seniors get scolded
jus that..
i don like the feeling
it seems so
and abit old
4 more months and im 16 (:
i forgot to return library books
due on 030107
now 070107
im gonna be so super proud about my geog homework
5:57 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
campfire rehersal
kana scolded like hell
almost everyone cried like crap
i couldnt even stop after reaching home
quite embarrassed coz sherilyn's dad drove me home
ok to hell with that
first time we in charge of campfire
first time doing everything
a little lost but
quite sure of wat each need to do
we were like super scared
if we screwed up anything
but everything went well
jus that
it rained the moment campfire was announced close
but better than in the middle
jus that we had to be drenched abit
other than that..
sec 3 replaced our dance
wth im still not used to being called a sec 4
all effort gone to waste
all time used for a totally nothing
we will jiayou for annual campfire
we will make crescent proud
there is jus one thing i wanna say
we were told that we didnt do enough badges
adelicia handed in all the stuff to her
and who was the one who dragged and dragged
till we don even know if we are doing the badges
was it totally our fault?
and we had dedication ceremony during assessmbly
pin sch badge on the sec 1s
listen to the teachers pledge
say crescent pledge
abit lame and i donno wats the point of doing so
4s3.. had a petition
wanted ms malini to be their
form teacher
and the sch allowed it
wah i wan her to be our form
shes so nice can
evil s3
and i heard that the sch wont let sec 4 have new teachers
but we got all the new teachers la
cant stand them totally
they have no idea of wat we need at all
i feel like we are being treated like sec 1
i don even wan to listen to them
the amaths teacher can spend like
1 whole hour
talking crap
about his eye.. about this about that
which i have totally no interest in..
i wan ms chua..
thats the problem..
had good teachers before..
now i think that
other teachers seem to be like
crap =p
so sorry..
but im still not used to it
11:04 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
my luck next yr not bad
4th out of all ^^
wei wei an lao shi say de stuff quite zhun
she say
money not bad
but don spend too much
health very good
like burn midnight oil oso not tired
like that i can study like siao (:
and sagittarius luck the best ya..
best out of all..
like.. all -.-
but i don understand wat wei wei an lao shi was talking
then leo..
and ARIES (:
1:01 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
decided to list them out
revise all subject by june
finish all assessments by july
read more books
quit gaming
l1r5 reach 10 for mids
7 or 8 points for o level
train 2.4 [i wan a 10 mins]
all the rest of our days as a crescent guide to be smooth
all campfires to be a success
juniors no more attitude problem
and stop rolling their eyes right in front of us
not touch tablet
o level faster end [i wan go work part time buy stuff with my own money]
not mess up my table
adidas shoes for walking [issit called sneakers? donno how to spell]
new nike shoes for running
new phone
either contact lens or new frameless spaces
noone to touch my stuff
grow taller
pluck up courage [wan to yet don dare to]
i still remember
last time when i think of it
feel like crying
now i think of it
super happy
jus cant stop smiling
hope from now on
i'll get happier and happier
go up up up
but not get pulled down
5:27 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
happy new year(:
first day of a new year
first hour of a new year
true frens.. thankyou ((:
wat are we gonna do today..
slack =/
jus that makes me scared
it totally bring a whole lots of
creepy stuff
sec 1 campfire
crescent annual campfire
stepping down
big big big O level
doesnt seem to be much
seems alot -.-
but lucky
i not in PGA
president guide award
seriously takes alot of time
though i can say the reward u get from it is great
all the things we get to learn
all the knowledge we will gain
and to realize how good u are when
competing against other sch guides
i think like 6 cca points?
or is it 8
if u get the award..
cant remember
but alot =/
cut my hair yesterday
nothing suprised me
the huge mirror
they use mirror to cover the whole
back area of the shop
so all the chairs and ppl will reflect and
i actually tot it was how big the shop was -.-
was like telling my mom
'eh alot ppl'
stupid me

done by myself
ladder wai diao liao
but the middle of the two tripods..
all the knots there are perfect ^^
i jus love gadgets
though many say i siao
my tan line all come back liao!!
near ankle there
exactly whr my socks is
but good thing tights there de fading
once again happy new year
2:14 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*