i get to use the mp3
with or without letting jie
dad gave her a mp3
which is
much more slim
and small
and most importantly~
none of us wan to use it =/
i personally find it ugly
well its white
yah nice
but the screen is huge
and words are huge
the controls are weird
and i cant be bothered to find out how to use it =/
yah the mp3 is sort of mine now..
my very pro sis
give me mp3 don give me earphones
rubbish la
she got that mp3 shld have earphones oso one lor
but she took the old mp3 one..
i need to buy one..
i wan the creative one
looks nice
but donno whr to buy
and went to nkf centre today
oh kay has a road of her own
called kay poh road
went past that road while going to nkf centre
i tot we will be talking loads and loads of crap to patients
chatting with them
worst of all
i tot they will be kids
i donno why
had that impression
but in the end
we jus learn about kidney failure and such
yup (:
yah we got to give them the letters we wrote
but i didnt give mine
i tot its childish
i mean my letter
most of the patients look so dao
like those will ignore u kind
i super scared will meet patients like that
but not
they were so friendly
that is if u approach them
and as usual~
i didnt
erika approach them
then me and sherilyn jus stood there
but sherilyn even better than me
at least she went to put the letter on the patient's table
and the patient is asleep for your info
and dialysis
it looks damn painful
with 2 needles in u..
and we went to library
oh and we ate kfc
like so long nvr eat
its like
wow for me
but jus ate popcorn chicken meal
i like (:
but exp
pocket got hole..
ka got the zinger student meal
omg its like onli 4 bucks
and its like
almost the same as mine
when mine cost 5
buy wrong liao
that cashier was like so in a hurry
when theres like no customers at all?
i didnt even have the time
to tell her to change the drinks
end up drinking pepsi
for some reason i oso donno why
i was super full
after eating that meal
nothing much interesting about the shelving of books
jus that
me and ka did shelf reading
which is jus arrange the books
that are already at the shelves
according to the letters
did the JP fairytales
it ended up super neat
so happy can..
throughout the rest of the day
we keep going there and look at our hard work
this is the first time
we actually finish shelf reading
last time
always do letter A B C D E F
then don wan do liao
coz it takes super long
but this time
A to Z
all done
and i borrowed Kane and Dane?
if im not wrong
Archer's book
the one we were suppose to read for holiday homework
for the first time
i actually
borrowed a book?!
and i read a book about jap language
abit interest
hard to understand oso
i always don have the patience
to read all the jap characters
and memorize them
so im like
yi zhi ban jie
half understand onli
quite interesting
gonna be a boring post
shoo if u don wanna get bored
long long long time nvr blog at all
slack too much
didnt even touch hw
and i didnt even regret
maybe a bit
one month more onli sch reopen
o level next yr
i jus suddenly
feel like ignoring everything..
camp spoilt everything
first thing first..
that time went grandma house
[right outside the door]

overview of it
err i think the bananas
are there
to sun
donno la

nice (:

a small corner which i kinda like..
clustered with plants (:

one of my fav flower
the texture roxs
forgot the name anyway
and got another kind which is white
and i forgot the name too (:

this look pretty real life
pic.. not nice though

love this so much
i donno wat its called
but i always like to sit and swing on it
at night even nicer
super nice stars above you..
<3 ahh!!
[across the road]

full of fruits plants vege
grandma plant one
nice view huh..
long long time ago
not very long.. im onli 15 ya.. (:
at the side got chickens and ducks..
but now all gone liao
then.. the comb i said

kawaii neh (:
next.. omg the camp
lets say the happy things first
this is my manito present

so cute
and the person who picked me as manito is amanda choo
same patrol..camp one i mean
so qiao
and my manito is munyee
oso same patrol!!
manito is a secret friend in camp
whom the YAs let me pick from a bag
which we oso donno who we will pick..
and we write to that fren.. give present
okay.. time for the dreaded
but i'll say it
Day 1
im in group 5
called the pink panther
oh crap i forgot
to take pic of our banner and identity
anyway with
sec 3 chuting, grace lai, me
sec 2 amanda choo, rachel chng, shi xuan
sec 1 grace lee, kanice, munyee
we got 9 ppl
other group got even 7
at first we got 10
reached school..
not very early
they took out everything already
then we slacked around
coz the bus isnt here yet
and we saw the sec 3 posting board
(for sec 2s de)
sherlyn got into trip
as expected
she got the first in class during sec 1 =/
my patrol de..
Dove (:
ya as usual
we jus carry all the stuff up the bus
we got ourselves dirtied by the firewood
then me tania ka went to wash
and when we came back
everyone was up the bus
we didnt know wat to do
and the YAs nvr say anything
stood there like.. -.-
we got up the bus and there wasnt a seat for us
at the back got space if we squeeze
but not enough for me and ka
tania was at the other bus
miss chan
wan one of us to go in front and sit with her
[sounded pissed]
then i faster go
in case she scold
thanks erika!!
miss chan started
sorting out sec 1s stuff
their badges..
then some nvr hand in
all those
and she started scolding and bla
omg la
oh she tot i was sec 1
but immediately know that im sec 3
maybe coz im so much taller (:
wa she scolded throughout the journey la
i was so tired
but i didnt dare sleep
we reached there finally
all the usual things..
unpack bus.. bring to louge
pitch tent..
ya and everything was so funny
pick manito thing oso
ka got azlin
qiwei got kay
and she tell kay that she got me
kay really believe
the fun thing comes up later
then some pltc ppl got to help to show pitch tent
and azlin call us clown la
then we pitch our own tent..
uncle gah..not sure the name
help us adjust the pegs
our tent was like on the hill
and rachel cant walk straight.. sorry
its really not
had the adjust like donno wat
and uncle gah peg wai diao..
and we didnt adjust
coz its abit mean
he help us
we still.. ya
and we got scolded during inspection coz of it
then lunch
our onli meal that
don need cook!!
but egg and fish
like nasi lumak?
donno how to spell la
i oso don like eat that one..
next is gadget
me and grace do clothes hanger
coz chuting gotta do kitchen shelter
shes the onli one who know how to do
sec 2 do baggage rack
sec 1 shoe rack
im abit disappointed with all the gadget
but the point is that
me and grace had to chop wood in the middle
while the rest continue the gadget
so we cant look after them..
so had to bear with the stuff the make
the baggage rack totally suprised us..
it block half the back door of our tent
we nvr made it like that before
its a square la
we always make rect one..
then dinner liao
i really didnt know wat to do
chuting made the fire
then i tried helping with the food
but ended up
doing fire oso
chuting need to rest abit oso mah..
shld be colours down..
we nvr bring flag
coz its not in the list
azlin didnt really scold us..
so its ok..
we borrow the flag pole
and didnt had colours down
and coz the next day the bus driver drove them to sch
by mistake
so they took the flag and kerosine..
so its ok..
nvr kana bad scolding..
we slack quite alot from now..
i forgot wat we cook
but it was quite ok
we manage to finish everything..
then is the badge thing
public speaking or something
jus crapped all the way through mine..
we bath and sleep
thats all for day 1
so enjoyable
coz its slacky
but wait till day 3..
Day 2
everything was quite in a rush
rushing for dragon boating
we woke at 4.45
camp rise is 5.30 anyway
our lvl always wake super early
remember last yr
we woke at 5
got alarm clock some more
then szeling[sec 3 last yr] was like..'wah who wake so early..'
sounded abit pissed oso
coz they all still sleeping
then was breakfast
and off we go for dragon boating
quite happy abt it
coz not like last yr
go bowling -.-
and our patrol did obstacle course first
and i shlnt talk about it
but theres a part
me chuting amanda rachel shixuan munyee
if im not wrong
the trail thing..
we had a hard time
doing this and that
command by instructors and teachers
but we found like 15 qns..
and ansed not many
but guess wat
we got 1st
totally unexpected..
was dragon boating
so lovely
and the instructor was super funny
there was a part
whr he rock the boat like hell
everyone was screaming like crap
and he said something
i forgot
but he say
the front few
which are chuting adelicia sheryl szewai me grace
scream very sharp
his ear hurts
his own fault lor..
rock until like that
and once we had to even sit at the side of the boat
and hold our partners hand
then we had a mini competition with the other patrols
they had instructors as the dragon boater oso
they had lesser ppl oso
but we won
i wish to be a dragon boater
and yup i got abit tan
when there isnt even sun
my socks made the tan line
kana shocked..
no sun oso tan
rocks la -.-
<3 dragon boating
and the moment we went back to camp christine
i seriously
cant remember wat we cook
onli remember last day one..
yah as usual..
colours down bath
but abit differnt
some of the sec 3
got night walk before dinner
we were talking abt the kitchen shelter gadget
knots are tight
but the main poles arnt
main reason is coz the ground is wet
and we almost had to wake at like 3 to retie
but they say
one more day onli
don need la
and that sheryl
very funny lor
keep making the time earlier
to wake up one..
she from 4
and we started saying
might as well don sleep
i tot night walk will be like when we were sec 1
that time had to walk in the forest
then got one part had to walk alone
and i almost bang into the tires
but this time
<3 it
jus on the road
and got light stick
thanks YAs
<3 ya lots
and there were stars!!
a few though
nicole said got north star
but i still cant see which is which
and we heard lovely sound of the nature~
almost fell asleep
still ok..
Day 3
i wanna cry..
roll call all those were ok..
wide game/kim's game was ok..
didnt know the results anyway
but was quite fun..
and the bus uncle didnt bang us down
then was
can cry..
chuting started a fire
i started another
yes everything was perfect
but chuting's fire went out
when she go help sheryl group
edwyna was sustaining the fire one lor
then she jus suddenly say 'xiaorong ur fire went out'
the grace took over mine
and i tried restart chuting fire
manage to fix everything
then ya
cook the chicken at mine
vege at chuting
yes everything is ok..
then edwyna's group totally cannot start fire
i think
coz no leaves no twig
no matchstick
how to start la
so we help with their chicken
[in the end ours was halfcook]
then chuting help other group vege
i tot our group was fast already
but we were quite slow
and qiwei and kay
they almost cried when they couldnt start a fire
azlin said it out
and guess wat
we took like 2 hours for outdoor cooking
it even ate our initiative games time
almost tea time
then azlin was super angry
YAs oso
then renee saw our halfcook chicken
she ask why uncook
we say 'we help with other group chicken coz they cant start fire'
she say
next time, make sure u are done with ur own things before u help others
yes thanks alot
if we didnt help them
ours will be cook ya..?
im not sure
who were the ones
who ask us to help each other
and stuff
now that we help
they say
get done with our own first
not abt this incident
but others adding together..
we follow their instructions
they say we are at wrong
we don follow thier instructions
its wrong too
hey was the point of instructions..
wow next was dinner liao
they gave us fish
how to cook
ours was totally uncook in the end
threw it away
i seriously donno wat happen
i cant start a fire
yes i can say
i cant start it
there isnt dry leaves
no twig
i donno how to start one
so i jus use all the stuff we had
and ya i seriously cant start it
grace finally came
coz she had mc stuff for campfire
and chuting was doing campfire fire oso
we still cant start it
almost cried..
my turn to cry after qiwei and kay
and azlin didnt even bother abt us la
and renee came to our resuce
i wont say that
coz she seem pissed
and adelicia could start a fire
and sheryl teo oso cant start one..
and sheryln!!!
she in adelicia group
and she keep blowing the smoke at us
wherever we are
and renee oso got pissed by that
sheryln didnt even bother can..
im skipped all the parts in front
we done
with super amount of vege
and uncook fish
2 mass tins of vege
a huge bug went into one mass tin
threw it away~
ate quite little
coz the rice quite little oso
we jus had our outdoor cooking stuff leh
then campfire liao
we had orderlies duty
wash everything
and was late for campfire
we always kana all the super bad duty time one lor
day 1 wood and water, chop almost all the wood for them..
day 2 very very slack, but no duty
day 3 orderlies
day 4 health!!
rubbish la!!
why so zhun day 4
wash toilet
super dirty some more
last day some more
when ppl busy unpacking
we wash toilet
campfire was fine..
grace and chantel did a good job..
(: don worry
i wanna skip the whole campfire
everyone was quite dead
i tried pulling up the atmosphere
screaming and stuff
but they were
still dead
even shixuan and ka say im quite high
im not
im seriously not
i jus don wan to make grace and chantel
get stuck somewhr
coz if noone response
its like.. very weird la
i tried my best helping.. =/
thats all..
and this day is totally tiring
and scary
and i wanna cry..
Day 4
its a
roll call kana scolding liao
they say the flag pole face wrong way
then why the last day they nvr say anything?
they totally..
sheryl and geyi were the ones who make it like that
i didnt even know whrs its suppose to face in the first place..
first thing in the morning
get scolded for totally nothing
scrub like hell
so dirty
somemore got frog
and some ppl threw their shirt there
we threw it away
it was adidas btw
who cares
who ask u throw there -.-
we had to stock check
we didnt even had the list
this is
the first time
we been to a camp
as a qm
and we totally
had no idea
of wat we need to bring
and wat we need to do
like bringing the flag and stock checking every single thing
and azlin scolded us like hell
i totally nvr talk back
i know it will make it worst
i know she sure say 'why didnt u ask at first'
but in the first place
we don even know wat we need to ask
it will make things worst though..
had to let her scold
and we lost quite a few things
and azlin reaction was totally scary
she totally like
the don care attitude liao
and thats why
i don wanna go for guides
i scared she will continue scolding
and after that
they gave out the prizes
our patrol got best banner
and i didnt bother abt the rest
i totally
not listening to anything
almost wanna cry..
i wasnt even sure
wat have i done wrong..
then ya
carried everything out
and ya
back to sch
and ya
azlin nvr bring back our key
so we cant pack the guide den
thanks alot
and i took taxi with adelicia and cass home
everytime we got on the bus
from sch to camp
from camp to sch
from camp to dragon boating
and back to camp
the bus was super noisy
and after a few mins
super quiet
all fell asleep
the bus
every single time
go past my house
can see cannot go..
i guess
thats all..
its quite long i guess?