maplers are lame
we are included
maplers are not grateful and have no manners
i am included
wah sad
im kinda addicted to maple again
was during amaths and i wanted to maple
rubbish can
now holiday still can be addicted
next yr will die
tml going to sch jus for training
damn damn damn scared..
i hope we really will improve
prove to ms azlin
we can do it
we are not worst than our senoirs
we can hold up to the reputation passed on
and now then i realise that
seniors are really important?
its like
last yr
we still got them to support us
they seem to be there all the time
we are like the oldest in the company already
not like seniors don help at all anymore
we still talk to them and stuff
they will still try to help abit
but it felt kinda lonely
its ok..
we move on after all
hope for the best for their Os..
to everyone taking O
and taking A too
12:49 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
today was horrible -.-
physics was kinda.. easy
amaths was retarded as usual
went through 12.1, 12.2, misc 12
and was listening to mp3 throughout
got once i turn back and change the song
she started walking around
and was totally diagonally in front of me
i pulled the ear phone out
but i bet she saw =p
hey but she walk to the other side instead of to us..
so i was kinda lucky
but i think she didnt wan to catch us..
cynthia was listening as well
and we found one funny thing
everytime she starts walking around..
the whole class alot of noise
not the noise of us talking
but noise of us moving our things around
like hiding our other hw..
keeping phone and stuff
it was funny
the most funny thing was
last time i forgot when
yy and cynthia sitting beside each other
ms seah started walking around
and they totally threw this book in between their chairs
and the thud was super loud
me and moni threw the ear phone on the floor oso
everyone throwing stuff around
super funny..
guides training was totally
stupid ground very soft today
then the poles not firm enough
had to reposition the poles
and we tied the twine so hard
that either our whole hand became red
or our hands look like as if we got caned..
err at least mine did -.-
but in the end
the stupid snake lash was still too loose
how to tie that thing -.-
our snake lash is forever loose..
thats all for the day i guess
and i lost a dollar
and i owe ka 20 bucks (:
7:09 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
i was playing with my mom's phone
and started taking some weird pic
not very good quality.. but still can see ba
anyhow take one..
bet this post will be long :D
the start of the day was a horror..
mom sent me to the bus stop near clementi
tot i wont be late
but that irritating 105..
didnt come for like 20 mins?
and when it came it was 105b
and the board says that it will terminate at commonwealth
which i can take since i change bus there
when it reach clementi mrt station
the bus driver said that the bus terminates there!!
waste my money
stupid bus cheat me..
if i wait for the next 105 i will be late for sch
so obviously i took train
lucky enough
the train was empty
so don have to squeeze with ppl
chem was ok.. as in i understand wat she was saying
emaths was
i was doing amaths
heres the prove

(the shinny thingy is actually the plastic of my file)

and i wasnt listening when ms lin was going through Ex 6.1 to 6.5 and misc 6
but hey
i did all of them (:
jus that 2 qns are not done coz i donno how to do
and i did listen when she went through that
and the reward i get for staying up till 1.45 last night
was m&m chocolate from ms lin!!
thankyou ^^
geog ended an hour earlier
so me and ka went to ps
get presents for ppl
lots of ppl -.-
bought a cute pillow for qiwei
and coz there are different animals
so before we bought
i called qiwei
and asked "are u pig-gish, cow-ish, cat-ish, dog-gish, monkey-ish or rabbit.."
before i can finish
she said cowish immediately
we were like laughing and laughing
so we bought the cow-ish one for her
sad no pic of it coz ka brought it home
and we bought a whole set of piggy stuff
that black and white pigs
that can be found everywhr
bought a small box
and some extra stuff
to put in that box
no pic too coz ka brought it home
now the most important
bought 2 naruto posters for gloria..
she loved sasuke so ka help chose this

and i thought that it was weird to give jus a poster
so i got this too

don they look great?
love it so much can
how i wish its mine
wanted to buy tsubasa for her too
but they either look ugly or too simple
so.. yup
the pic is kinda dark coz if i put flash,
the reflection is horrible
if i put under light directly,
the reflection is horrible too
and if i don put any light
it look ok..
jus abit dark
maybe i shld take it in the day la..
gonna do amaths later
donno if got time to maple
and gor lvl super fast
he play awhile onli
lvl 20 liao
if he continue
i might even lvl till 30 by this week
he is pro
i wan more kumbis
and im overkilling pigs
im addicted to maple once again
7:10 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
played maple again.. kinda bored
started another thief
gonna be a sin (:
had one last time
with the same nick
in bootes
but deleted that and created this in aquilia
maple left with
so little players..
go sleepywood dungeon oso so little ppl
buddy list totally no one
but anyway
chiong to lvl 15 liao
err with the help of some ppl
including gor
he help lvl from 12 to 15 is like an hour or more
abit pro
last time i can take whole day but nvr reach 10 -.-
and who else will ever do this to a sin
put first point in lucky seven
and chiong pot all the way
its kinda useful
but sickening
coz of that super 'long' range at first?
not even a quarter of the screen
abit rubbish
anyway its still quite fun
and now lvl 15
range maxed
fun (:
but overkilling slime isnt
can fight pig but cannot one hit
wan to lvl till 25 by next week
eh but donno can anot
1:41 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
feeling super cold yet not having fever
throat super pain..
nose is blocked..
don feel like going to school can..
and hey im eating fried stuff as breakfast though im sick
and yay mom say don go don go lor!! :D
theres one thing that i like about being sick
is that i get to eat that medicine
its like st
and repsils(something like tt) but its called throatsil
but it taste the same anyway
wow so wat am i going to do for the whole day..
abit sick of anime
ABIT only..
and i found something new that can kill time
err not really i found it
gor found it..
hey he is suppose to be in the mist of A levels
why is he searching for new games to play..
its called RBO
ragnarok battle offline
it looks so like maple
jus.. of coz no buddies
but can play up to 3 players in the same com
kinda fun
and i love archer..
can continuously shoot in midair
so its like hanging in midair but still shooting
and the skills are kinda cool
mage is quite pro
but starting super lousy..
swordman is kinda boring as usual :D
thief is super cool
jus like bandit in maple
movement super fast
able to hit super fast oso..
but it lags the com
they still got this thing i forgot the name
its like priest in maple
healing and stuff
alot of skills so lazy play
and got merchant
that use money to fight
movement very the slow..
kinda lousy too
but overall its quite fun
if i really have nothing else to do that is
and i was suppose to be doing hw too..
but i played the whole day
with my eyes half open..
i realize that mom's phone got camera?!
not really jus realize.. is like nvr bother noticing
and its very clear
but i donno wat pic to take..
so cant be bothered as well (:
7:14 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
this is for yesterday
the day is super long..
lessons from 8 all the way to 1230
suppose to have phy
wan go out with ka
but cancel
i wan buy qw present -.-
went for lunch at cheers
noodles again
and we met chuting edwyna cass and kay on our way back
they went to help outdoor cooking ppl buy ingredients
and i felt kinda bad
as in coz qw wan discuss the design of our shoe rack
at 10
then i wrote wrongly on my notebook
i wrote as 8-10 chem, 10-1230 emaths
actually is 1030 - 1230 emaths
so actually inbetween got break
and so i nvr go for that discussion
and then.. after lunch went back to guide den
i finally started doing hw
emaths (:
was kinda stupid
i was like searching for a table?!
as in something to put the papers so it wont be low on the floor
and i took the box..
it was jus nice the height i wan
and i did more than a page
thats quite an accomplishment
with qw kay cass chuting over there chatting all the way
ka finally cant stand it and joined it
so she didnt do much of her hw too
and the training was quite the same
jus that this time got time limit
a bit more than an hour
we stick the idea of the steps thing
and made snake lash at the bottom
'jus in case any shoes drop, it will drop on the snake lash and not the ground
this prevent the shoes from getting wet if the ground is flooded'
but in the end
our shoe rack look like a kitchen dresser :D
its ok..
we shall improve then
and next week all 5 days
excluding monday
we will have training
and sat will be the day
like wow gonna die..
and miss azlin keep emphasizing that we are
holding the 'champion' reputation of crescent
for last yr south division day
wat else can we say..
and jie's frens come again..
this week come donno how many times liao
and they stay to 6am?!
and when i woke up at midnight
i feel hungry
and i finally cant stand it
and went to eat medicine
i donno why
but the medicine is tablet form..
and yet i don like to eat it
as in the flu medicine
can anyone imagine..
i use so much tissue
that when i put them together and throw into the bin
i hear a loud 'thud'
6:59 AM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
yays first day new month nearer to our real holidays
donno why.. jus happy
exactly a month more
got 2 events going on..
1st dec
im looking forward to that day (:
but sad both clash on the same day..
nvm.. it will somehow get settled i hope
they were quite nice today for that english course
coz some classes having physic lessons~
thanks to that, we manage to go off at 12+ instead of 3
wanted to go out after that but the whole place was so messy
cant even find ppl
end up going home
during the course got something super funny
we had to complete a paragraph
and yah we did..
for the sake of doing
and miss alice or something.. she started walking around
trying to find ppl to read out their passage
so lucky that she stop in front of me and en
she asked if we wan to read out ours
i was like shaking my head looking down..
and en said the passage is not ever well written
and she took mine to read
this is the funny part
my first sentence was
'the table leg broke..'
and she gave it back to me saying that its table's leg
i said 'thanks to me table leg..'
and we burst out laughing..
coz of that wrong word and we don need read
im the best :D
but anyway
coz in the end they wanna cut down the time
no one ended up reading anyway =/
but it was so funny!!
came home to watch kyou kara maou again
wolfram baka.. called yuuri's parents like his own parents
and they actually accepted him..
they are funny people
<3 konrad!!
theres guides tml at 330 when my lesson end at 3
once again i will feel so sian and tired that
i wont even understand a thing about their designs..
last but not least, i haven touched any homework except physics (:
8:01 PM
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*